BASICS TYPES & FUNCTIONALITY THE CODING PROCESS A PPLIC AT IO N S 3D PRINTING: THE BASICS Also called additive manufacturing, this process involves a printer with XYZ axis which creates a 3-dimensional solid object from a digital model by laying down successive layers of material in different shapes. - Builds the object by deposition of material rather than by removal of material. - Mediums range from paper, plastic, powders, resins, metals. - Depending on your model, you will want a certain printer type and medium. - Two Main Types of Printers (among many) - Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) - Selective Laser Melting (SLM) FUSED DEPOSITION MODELING (FDM) SELECTIVE LASER M E LT I N G ( S L M ) Primarily read Standard Tessellation Language or STL files, our goal was to find or develop a code which allowed easy transcription of .m files into .stl files, and successfully print a model. facet normal nx ny nz outer loop vertex v1x v1y v1z vertex v2x v2y v2z vertex v3x v3y v3z endloop endfacet • Describes a closed surface in terms of triangular faces • Each triangle is described by cartesian coordinates of its three vertices and a normal vector oriented outward from the closed surface • A surface described by an STL-file must then be sliced into layers using an external software. This defines the path traced out by the printer MatLab Logo: The L-Shaped Membrane 1) Break up each square element in the mesh into two triangular elements using the MatLab function Delauney. Notice That the mesh has no thickness…. 2) Make a shell out of the surface by projecting all the vertices of the triangles downward along normal vectors. 3) Creates a second surface with no thickness beneath the original. 4) Connect the two surfaces along their boundaries to define a third surface. STLWRITE • Creates STL file directly from .m script • Downloadable function created for MatLab that exports a binary STL (or ascii) formatted version of a script. • Requires that your code have triangulated patch called FV, a structure with fields ‘vertices’ and ‘faces’. stlwrite (filename , FV) ADDITIONAL STEPS • STL file now needs to be sliced • Software called “Slic3r” (and others) cuts file up into 2-dimensional cross sections of data, readable by printer • Some printers read another basic format called G-Code. If that’s the case when you go to print, this software will generate a G-Code from your STL file. • Use MeshLab for a 3D preview APPLICATIONS INTERESTED IN PRINTING? • • • Eugene MakerSpace has printers for public use Possibly getting a printer in the geophysics department Email me if you’re interested in printing something or would like more info on how to prepare your model for a printer. LINKS MatLab L-Shaped Membrane Steps STL WRITE Meshlab Slic3r Downloadable STL files