Agents and Contractors DAIP Progress Reporting Presentation

Disability Access and Inclusion
Agents and Contractors
DAIP Progress Reporting
DAIP Progress Reporting
Under the Disability Services Act 1993 (the Act), the Minister
for Disability Services is required to table a report in
Parliament each year on the progress of DAIPs.
Public authorities must include a report about DAIP
implementation in their annual report.
Public authorities annually provide a progress report to the
Disability Services Commission.
Section 29B of the Act (1993) states “a public authority that
has a DAIP must take all practical measures to ensure that
the plan is implemented by the public authority and its
officers, employees, agents or contractors”.
The intent of the Act is that where agents and contractors are
used as a go between in the provision of a service to the
community for the public authority, that the agent and
contractor takes into account the needs of people with
Agents and contractors
• Do not have to develop their own DAIP
• Conduct their business in a manner consistent with the
contracting public authority’s DAIP
• Agent and contractors are required to implement strategies
which directly relate to the task they are undertaking
• Contracted services in which the public authority itself is the
recipient of the services are not relevant to the DAIP.
Special Condition of Contract
Relevant to state government agent and contractors who
provide services to the public under the Dept. of Finance
procurement framework – Delivering Community Services in
Partnership Policy.
Recommended for local governments - a special condition to
be inserted into relevant contracts to facilitate the provision of
accessible services under the Act.
Special Condition of Contract
Recommended that tender documentation incorporate
information about access requirements so potential agent and
contractors can familiarise themselves with these
It is recommended that the DAIP, or a hyperlink to the
document, be provided in tender documentation.
Special Condition of Contract
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
If the Contract involves the supply of Services to the public, then the successful
Respondent will:
(i) to the extent practicable, implement the Customer’s “Disability Access and
Inclusion Plan” prepared under the Disability Services Act 1993; and
(ii) provide a report to the Customer by [ ] in each year of the Contract Term
reporting on the extent to which the successful Respondent has implemented the
Customer’s Disability Access And Inclusion Plan.
Decision Tree
Deciding whether contractors are required to report:
• A common question that arises is “how do we determine if a
agent and contractor is required to complete a DAIP
contractor report?”
• There are number of key questions that can be asked
internally to help determine whether or not a contractor would
be required to report on their activities
• Procurement teams can use the agent and contractor
decision tree to assist decision making.
Decision Tree
• A copy of the Agents and
Contractors Reporting
Decision Tree can be
found on the Disability
Services Commission
website and also in the
Agents and Contractors
Agent and Contractors
Reporting in the DAIP Process:
Another common question that arises within public authorities
is “what is my role in the DAIP reporting process?”
The agent and contractors reporting in the DAIP process
diagram should assist with outlining some common
responsibilities of the people involved in the DAIP reporting
The DAIP Process
• A copy of the Role of the
Agent and Contractors in
the DAIP Process can be
found on the Disability
Services Commission
website and also in the
Agents and Contractors
Agent and Contractor Categories
Building and
Asset management
Signage development
Direct Service
Contracted community
• Community grants
Information &
• Website development
• Developing
promotional material
Stages of DAIP Reporting
1. Procurement Officer - provides all contractors who have
written contracts providing services to the public with the
special condition of contract and contractor reporting template.
2. Contractor – once a year, provides the procurement officer
with a contractor report that identifies activities undertaken to
support the public authority’s DAIP.
Stages of DAIP Reporting
3. Procurement Officer – records information into DAIP
contractor workbook.
4. DAIP Officer – on an annual basis drafts the public authority’s
DAIP progress report for the Disability Services Commission,
including contracting information.
5. Disability Services Commission – aggregates the DAIP
progress report of all public authorities and provides a statewide
report to the Minister for Disability Services.
Additional Resources
Disability Access and Inclusion Plans: Agents and Contractors
Guide. The guide provides information including:
• Requirements of agents and contractors
• Agent and contractor questions and answers
• Ways to provide access for people with disability
• Reporting requirements of public authorities
• Model example of a agent and contractor reporting tool
• Sample text to send to agent and contractors regarding
reporting compliance.
Access and Inclusion
Contact details:
Brett Daniells
6104 9551
Sue Henson
9426 9353