This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals EAL Nexus resource Coasts Coastal landforms flashcards and activities Subject(s): Geography Age group(s): 12-14 Topic: Coasts Licence information | This resource is free to use for educational purposes. ©British Council 2014 Source | This resource was originally developed by Zdravka Davies and has been adapted by EAL Nexus. Coastal landforms coast headland cliffs and waves rock cracks cave arch stack stump beach bay landforms Coastal forms matching cards beach bay headland stack stump cave arch coast Coastal forms Check your answers beach bay headland arch stump stack coast cave Coastal forms matching cards Area of sand A smooth or small curve of stones coast between two sticking out headlands A large rock Where sea left standing meets land when an arch collapses Land next to A bridge of the sea rock formed after a cave collapses A rock left standing when a stack collapses A hole in the rock made by the waves beach bay stump cave headland stack arch coast Coastal forms matching cards Check your answers Area of sand A smooth or small curve of stones coast between two sticking out headlands A large rock Where sea left standing meets land when an arch collapses beach stack coast Land next to A bridge of the sea rock formed after a cave collapses A rock left standing when a stack collapses A hole in the rock made by the waves headland stump cave bay arch Sort the cards in order of formation Check the order of formation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sort the cards in order of formation The sea waves attack A crack is formed in the rock the rock The crack gets larger The cave gets wider (=bigger) and forms and deeper and turns a cave into an arch The arch will collapse When the stack (=fall) and form a collapses it forms a stack stump Check your answers 1. The sea waves attack the rock 2. A crack is formed in the rock 3. The crack gets larger (=bigger) and forms a cave 4. The cave gets wider and deeper and turns into an arch 5. The arch will collapse (=fall) and form a stack 6. When the stack collapses it forms a stump Choose from the words in the box to complete the order of coastal formations firstly, secondly, then, next, after that, finally, when ____________ the sea waves attack the rock . ____________a crack is formed in the rock and ____________ the crack gets larger it forms a cave. ________ _________ the cave gets wider and deeper and _______ it turns into an arch. With time the arch will collapse and ______ will form a stack. ___________ when the stack collapses it forms a stump. Check your answers firstly, secondly, then, next, after that, finally, when _Firstly_ the sea waves attack the rock . __Secondly___ a crack is formed in the rock and __when__ the crack gets larger it forms a cave. _After_ _that_ the cave gets wider and deeper and __next__ it turns into an arch. With time the arch will collapse and _then_ will form a stack. _Finally_ when the stack collapses it forms a stump. Comparative Adjectives Adjective big Comparative degree bigger larger deep wide smaller smooth Comparative Adjectives Adjective big large deep wide small smooth Comparative degree bigger larger deeper wider smaller smoother