SRS 2014 “INSTITUTIONS AND INEQUALITY” Students in 4 classes across 4 disciplines will: 1) research a topic broadly related to the theme with library and classroom support 2) write a well-researched paper with library and classroom support 3) present their work to the Chabot community via poster session and/or panel presentation TUESDAY, April 29th 12:00-1:00 Downstairs 100: Interdisciplinary Posters Upstairs 107A&B: Panel Presentation THURSDAY, May 1st 12:00-1:00 Downstairs 100: Interdisciplinary Posters Upstairs 107A&B: Panel Presentation THURSDAY, May 1st 3:00-5:00 Little Theater: Keynote Speaker, Dr. Victor Rios Followed by Reception/Award Ceremony (Green Room) OUR VISION FOR THE FUTURE: Enhance and showcase the academic accomplishments of our students. Annual Student Research Symposium each Spring organized around a central theme. Institutionalize the SRS as a second semester component of the First Year Experience (FYE). Identify “Research” courses as part of the spring menu of FYE choices. Present at least one keynote speaker with expertise around the theme. Increase campus-wide attendance with multiple locations, expanded panel session offerings. Invite the Chabot and surrounding community to attend. Hayward Elected Officials Cal State East Bay (faculty and students) Students from nearby community colleges (i.e., Ohlone College) Professional Development opportunities For faculty teaching Research courses SRS BUDGET SRS I (2009-10) > $2,500.00 SRS IV (2013-14) > $9,500.00 Monies support the institutionalization of SRS by: Offering stipends to participating faculty Offering prizes (i.e., bookstore gift cards) to students Offering stipend to keynote speaker(s) SRS BUDGET SRS V (2014-15) Increase Funding To continue to support Co-Coordinator position To allocate release time for Librarian(s) Librarian (1 CAH) > 2.5 hrs/wk x 17.5 weeks= 43.75hrs Pay rate for overload: $2,053/CAH; used toward adjunct hrs To support Chabot’s FYE To collaborate with other disciplines (i.e., Sciences) To outreach and engage local community & stakeholders To invest in appropriate technology to host a virtual poster session To collect and analyze data to assess information literacy