Assignment 2

INFO 426
Assignment 2: Launch Report and SRS - Cycle 3
Due date for this assignment is on the syllabus. There are no page limits.
This assignment is to be done by the team you selected for Cycle 1 & 2.
This assignment is to create the Launch Report for your team's project for Cycle 3. Use the Cycle N
Launch Report.
For the Post Mortem section, discuss the issues your team had in Cycle 2, and what you’ll do
differently to avoid them this time. Discuss good lessons learned you want to repeat in this and
subsequent cycles.
Describe the Objectives for this cycle, in terms of system functionality, team, and process
The Schedule includes your Activity Summary and Project Plan from the Project Tracking
spreadsheet. Be sure to include both! The Activity Summary should have detailed team
member activities each week through the time you turn it in, and Project Plan should show
planned activities through the end of the term plus actual activities to day.
This assignment is also to create the Software Requirements Specification for your team's project.
See the INFO 425 week 2 lecture notes for contents expected in the SRS. The templates
provided should be used.
Subsections can be added to the templates, but don't delete any of the contents.
When reviewing each others’ work, the Review Report should be used and posted in Blackboard. A
Review Report is required for the SRS.
The Launch Report, SRS, and Review Report(s) should be handed in in writing, and posted
electronically to Blackboard.