DIFFERENT TYPES OF CHARTS/GRAPHS And how they can be used for understanding history. Nathan B. Gilson 7th Grade Social Studies Southwest Middle School COPY THIS TABLE INTO YOUR NOTES (SECTION 2) Name (Chart Type) Looks Like… Pie Chart Leave a lot of Line Graph space here for pictures Column/Bar graph of your charts Scatter Plot graph Histogram Used for PIE CHARTS Pie charts are good to show how much of something is compared to everything. ALWAYS show a PERCENTAGE% LINE GRAPHS Line Graphs show how things change over TIME. US Deaths--Iraq War 1000 900 800 700 600 500 US Deaths 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COLUMN OR BAR GRAPHS Show how different areas compare using one focus. Usually when you want to show the number, rather than the percentage. SCATTER PLOT GRAPH Shows how a group rates. Can show trends within a group as well. 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 1st test 20% 2nd test 3rd test 0% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 HISTOGRAM Special bar graph that shows different subgroups or categories within one large group. USING MICROSOFT EXCEL TO MAKE A GRAPH Step 1—Put the Graph Title in A1 USING MICROSOFT EXCEL TO MAKE A GRAPH Put the headings for each set of data in B1 to B__ USING MICROSOFT EXCEL TO MAKE A GRAPH Put the data underneath each title and double check that you entered it right, it’s real easy to miss a 0 somewhere. USING MICROSOFT EXCEL TO MAKE A GRAPH Starting in A1, click and drag to make a highlighted box around all of the information you want on your graph, then click insert USING MICROSOFT EXCEL TO MAKE A GRAPH Choose the kind of chart/graph you want from the options listed. USING MICROSOFT EXCEL TO MAKE A GRAPH Check your chart to make sure it looks right. Obvious things would be something that should be the biggest looks small. You probably missed 1 number. For this graph, Russia should be the biggest, but it isn’t, because it’s missing a 0. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do it all over again, just change the number and the graph will automatically change with the new information. Just click in the box where Russia’s number is, change the 0, and watch your chart change MUCH BETTER 1. Click here http://images.wikia.com/war/images/1/18/WorldW arII-MilitaryDeaths-Allies-Piechart.png http://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7//wwi/memoir/docs/sta tistics/diagrams/d62.gif http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_qSHyxqnvs0/TPsbyF0OqSI/AAAAAAAAACc/zwIEFIbNmA 0/s1600/histogram.gif