Dame Alice Owen’s School A*spire Teaching Conference Diagnostic Marking June 2014 Dame Alice Owen’s School Helen Wootton (AST) John Godfrey (Deputy Head) Jonathan Robinson(Co-Director of Teaching Schools) What is it? ‘Diagnostic marking' is akin to a Doctor’s diagnosis; so Assessing/Checking a piece of work (just like looking at the evidence to decide what's wrong with you) & planning the prescription or treatment, so 'How to improve/ reach the next level' etc. Books should show a learning journey – an ongoing learning dialogue between the teacher and the student (illustrating the impact of learning over time). Collaboration Top 10 Tips for Diagnostic Marking: • Using codes to save time and comment banks for positive comments • Using stampers and stickers for praise and acknowledgement to pupil response to targets. Green Pen Policy for Student response to target setting DIRT? Dedicated Improvement & Reflection Time Book Polishing Top 10 Tips for Diagnostic Marking: • Targets can be questions, corrections, extension questions or asking a student to improve a section. (These should be responded to) • Give time in lessons if possible for students to respond to targets given (or at least to begin the process). • Give differentiated tasks as an outcome of diagnostic marking. Recording Target Setting and Pupil response to targets with Practical Subjects: Matt Grimstead’s stuff Matt Grimstead’s online tracking system Marking Collaboration: Proposal: For each departments to have a marking collaboration every term – one key stage per term. Diamond 9 Activity- Written and Verbal Feedback Rank in order of how effectively the approach promotes independent pupil learning on the ranking template Recorded Verbal Feedback Discussion with pupils about their work. Pupil makes notes about the discussion then teacher dates and verifies it. Delayed Feedback (can be used after 4x4) Pupils receive their feedback in a sealed envelope. Reverse horse shoe forumgive status to feedback sessions. Creates different mood- change layout of classroom. Pupils sit on inside (indep work while waiting) teacher circulates around edge. 4x4 Feedbackexplore anonymous piece of work, pupils guess feedback that would go with it, model how to improve it (inc pupils), invite learners to do the same with their own work Triple Impact Marking 1. Student/peer proofreads work and highlights where they have met SC. 2. The teacher corrects errors and asks Qs about the students’ work: How could you…? Why might…? & sets a task which will require students to act on the feedback ie. rewrite 2nd para ensuring that you… 3. Student answers the Qs and completes tasks using the feedback Pupil Led Feedback Pupils signal where they want the teacher to provide feedback. Teacher also makes prof judgement about any mistakes pupils have missed (can form part of a feedback discussion) DIRT(Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time)plan discrete feedback sessions as a buffer. Set task or question for pupils to answer. Menu of Feed Forward TasksPupils choose from: annotate 2 changes you would make and say why, rewrite a section, look again at SC 1-4 now add these to your work, make 6 changes to your vocab choices, provide another example How are we doing display Link classroom display to feedback- large scale display of SC- e.g. place sticky notes next to it. Keeps learning live between lessons and demos progress over time Diamond 9: Activity Place the cards in order of importance. The most important at the top and the least important at the bottom. Diamond 9: Activity