Chapter 1 Introduction to Driving

1.1 Driver Education
1.2 Driving is a Privilege
1.3 The Highway Transportation System
Do you think you have the “right” to drive?
Why/Why Not?
Designed to help unlicensed drivers become
familiar with basics
Upon completion, education is not done!
You will not learn everything here
In-class instruction
 30 hours of classroom driver’s education
Behind-the-Wheel training
 6 hours of BTW instruction
 50 hours with parents
 This is where you learn to drive!
Driving is a privilege, not a “right”.
–Jesse White
Legal Duties
 Obey the law
Financial Obligations
 Pay for accidents
Courtesy to Others
 Watch other vehicles and pedestrians
 Don’t disrupt the flow
Protecting your Passengers
 All passengers wear safety belts
Know your vehicle
 What your car can/cannot do?
 Regular maintenance
Being ready to drive
 Emotional
 Physical
 Mental
Highway Transportation System
 The people who use the HTS by driving, walking, or riding are
 Cars, Trucks, Semi-Trucks, Motorcycles, Farm Vehicles, Buses,
Campers, Etc…..
 Classifications
 Conditions
 Function
 Free or Pay Toll
Regulating the HTS
Federal, State, Local
 Federal – National Highway Safety Act – set of traffic safety guidelines
 State and Local Governments - Enforce guidelines
National Guidelines
 Vehicle Code
 Federal and State laws that regulate the HTS
 Enforcement Agencies
 Assure that laws are obeyed
 Motor Vehicle Depts
 Set rules that assure driver and vehicle standards are met
 Courts
 Decides whether drivers are violating laws
 Highway Traffic Engineers
 Plan, Build, and Maintain the complex system of roadways
Drivers create most of the problems
Failures in itself
Poorly designed plans
Overall, the United States and Canada have
one of the best and most efficient roadway
systems in the world.