BCC / Provider Relationships Leon Goddard Commissioning Lead: Dom Care, Care Homes, Extra Care Bristol City Council Care and Support West General Meeting 28th May 2014 Health and Social Care Strategic Planning and Commissioning Slide 1 Content 1. BCC Commissioning – Past 2. BCC Commissioning – Present and Future i. ii. iii. Cost Quality Relationships 3. Contacts 4. Questions Health and Social Care Strategic Planning and Commissioning Slide 2 1. BCC Commissioning – Past Positives • Greater use of independent sector provision / closure of BCC services • Finance – A huge amount of money is spent by BCC on social care services. • Goodwill and positive working relationships Negatives • Lack of structure within markets • Lack of clarity / certainty around purchasing activity • Little direction to the market about what is needed • Procurement and managing risk Health and Social Care Strategic Planning and Commissioning Slide 3 2. BCC Commissioning – Present and Future Cost • • • • • • ‘Grasp the nettle’ and have proper conversations with Providers about money Give Providers greater control in setting rates and pricing structures Use different prices to reflect different type and level of provision Implement an appropriate price review mechanism Move towards paying for outcomes, not inputs BCC won’t pay for: Added extras, nice to have’s or provider specific costs Quality • Clarify what we mean by quality • Ensure clear link between what a person needs, what is provided and what is achieved • Quality is about meetings people’s needs and outcomes – no more or less. Relationships • Better use of Commissioning Strategies, Plans and Market Position Statements • Joined up commissioning with health – e.g. joint contracts / arrangements with providers Health and Social Care Strategic Planning and Commissioning Slide 4 3. Contacts (personal email addresses are firstname.surname@bristol.gov.uk) Commissioning Service Manager: Leon Goddard / Melanie Rogers Business Relationships Manager: Contact: Ann Wardle 0117 922 2141 / ann.wardle@bristol.gov.uk Quality Assurance Manager: Contact: Dawn Lloyd 0117 9037661 / dawn.lloyd@bristol.gov.uk General: adultcommissioning@bristol.gov.uk Brokerage and Support Planning Team Manager: Contact: Ros Cox 0117 3521500 / care.brokerage@bristol.gov.uk Safeguarding Adults Team Safeguarding Adults Coordinator: Contact: Tracey Judge 0117 9031690 / safeguardingadults@bristol.gov.uk Health and Social Care Strategic Planning and Commissioning Slide 5