religions: Special Books - medium term planning (previous syllabus)

EYFS and Key Stage 1
This relates to the following programme of
study and schemes of work:
EYFS – Special Books
KS1 – Special Books
Skills and Attitudes
The Lost coin
Treasure hunt in the sand
or the school grounds
Investigation, Interpretation,
Synthesis, Application,
Self-awareness, Respect,
Open-mindedness, Appreciation &
The Good Shepherd recounted
by Drama group or Vicar
Key learning
Children will learn about
the Bible as a holy books
for Christians.
They will learn about
some stories that have a
special meaning for
Christians and identify
books that are special to
Use images and pictures to retell family stories from the bible
Tell the story of ‘The lost coin’ [ e.g. Butterworth and Inkpen version]
 Reflective time. Read ‘Grandma Guddle’s Muddle’ from Parables Fun
Christians believe that even when a person feels lost and lonely God always knows where they
Circle time, children write on a card coin, one word to show how they feel when they get lost, put
it in Grandma’s bag, close the bag send it around the circle. Open the bag, take out a coin, read
the feeling and suggest ways they could make that person better.
Going for a Treasure Hunt in the sand for hidden items that may be in Grandmas handbag. Play
hide and seek or hunt the thimble
Grandma’s feely bag. What’s in Grandma’s bag?
Express your Feelings ~ painting, colours, emotion dancing, role play
Tell the story of the Good Shepherd [Lion Storyteller Bible]
Good shepherd went over the mountain ~ sing and act out [see tiddliwinks resources]
Invite a farmer in to talk about what he has to do to look after his animals or visit a farm
Areas of learning
Mathematical understanding ~ Use the coins to count and do simple sums
Personal development ~ what would you do if you ever got lost?
Skills for learning and life
Responsible citizens ~ what would you do if you found someone else who was lost?
Historical, geographical and social understanding
Understanding English, communication and languages
Children bringing in their own favourite books
Children make comparisons between special books from other religions e.g. the Guru
Granth Sahib in Sikhism
Bring a range of different bibles e,g family Bible, old, new, colours
Use images and pictures to retell family stories from the bible e,g the Prodigal son
(older children)
Create your own Bible cover, how would you make it appealing so other people would
want to look at it.
What design features are good? How might you change it if you re- did it?
Areas of learning
Mathematical understanding ~ shapes, patterns and colours of bibles, votes ~ recording in graphs
Understanding the art and design ~ see above
Historical, geographical and social understanding
ICT ~ can you read the bible online? TV, DVD’s and CD-Roms
The Good Shepherd use a story bag
Invite a visitor in to retell the story
Small world play to retell the story
Children to listen to music as they reflect on the story. They can express their own ideas and
understanding through sound and music. Beethovens 6th Symphony, Tchiakovsky’s 6th Symphony
and Ode to Joy from Beethovens 9th Symphony.
Mary had a little lamb ~ nursery rhyme
Good shepherd went over the mountain
 sharing ideas with each other to explore what thoughts and feelings might have been
experienced by the shepherd or the sheep at different moments. Draw hearts and bubbles to
record feelings
Painting to music – to express emotions related to the story
Local Christian community invited to read a story from the bible and say why it is special to them.
Listen to stories about being lost and found e.g. Dogger and about the specialness of objects.
Areas of learning
Understanding arts and design ~
Understanding English, communication and languages
ICT ~ Enact the story in order to communicate its meaning. Photograph the scenes to create a photo
story and add captions and speech bubbles.
• > infants > bible
The Good Shepherd in Bible Story bags by Margaret Cooling ISBN 9
Grandma Guddle’s Muddle and The Good Shepherd had a little lamb in Parable
Fun for Little ones by Renita Boyle ISBN 9 78141014913
The Complete Guide to Godly Play Volume 3 by Jerome Berryman ~ Lesson 7
ISBN 1 889108 97 9
Dogger by Shirley Hughes
SEAL Resources
Sing and Say – Tiddlywinks ISBN 1844272451
The treasure song – Dottie and Buzz
Creative Assessment Opportunities
• Create your own Bible cover and talk about how
Christians would treat their Holy Book
• As a response to hearing the Lost coin and Good
Shepherd stories pupils tell their own story/act out their
own story of something lost and then found. Children
consider: If a Christian heard your story who might they
think was like God?
Skills and Attitudes
• Investigation: I can ask appropriate questions and gather evidence
from many different sources
• Interpretation: I can give examples of how humans try to make
sense of their experiences
• Analysis and Evaluation: I can voice my opinions and give my ideas
• Synthesis: I know that others share common values and ideas
• Communication: I can talk about why the bible is important and retell
some stories
• Respect: developing skills of listening and a willingness to learn
from others; being sensitive to the feelings and ideas of others
• Appreciation & Wonder: that the bible is source of wonder