Year 11 Parents information Evening

Year 11 Parents
information Evening
Tuesday 30th September
What a parent can do?
• Keep an active interest in
what your child is doing.
• Discuss future plans and
career options. Help your
child to stay motivated.
• Keep up to date in terms of examination
• Attend information evenings and Mentoring
• Be prepared to contact school outside of these
times when necessary.
Are GCSEs becoming more difficult ?
• The amount of marks needed to achieve certain
grades has risen over the last few years.
• Questions have become less structured and
increasingly complex (move beyond description
to evaluation, compare and contrast, weighing
up evidence, giving examples in context.)
• A higher degree of literacy is required in
understanding of what is being asked understanding of the command words and key
subject vocabulary.
Are GCSEs becoming more difficult ?
• Understanding the differing responses required
and how to decide which it is the most relevant.
• A move towards more extended writing
• Questions which are synoptic and bring two or
more themes together and by unstructured
“The pass rate in
different subject
areas varied
dramatically with
English recording the
biggest ever drop in
the pass rate in the
history of the exam”
The Independent
The Strategy
• The University of Cambridge International
Certificate (iGCSE)
– 40% Exam
– 20% Speaking and Listening (this contributes to the
final grade)
• AND a Literature GCSE (EdExcel – KETO syllabus)
• Pupils will carry forward their study of ‘Of Mice
and Men’ from Year 10.
• Everyone will now be entered for two GCSEs in
English: one in English Language and one in
English Literature.
• Coursework can be re-drafted by students in
school and at home by iGCSE students.
• All pupils will be equipped with the necessary
skills to move onto English courses Post-16.
• The iGCSE , EdExcel Literature and AQA English
and Literature courses are all recognised GCSEs
by Post-16 settings and Universities. All are
accredited by Ofqual.
Ensuring that Year 11 are prepared…
• In order to ensure pupils are fully prepared
for the rigours of the new method of
assessment in examination, we have placed
on the school calendar 3 additional English
Language mock examinations that pupils will
sit throughout the year.
• The first of these is on the morning of Friday
17th October. This will be a ‘walking talking’
mock exam where the pupils will be taken
through the iGCSE exam paper step by step.
Ensuring that Year 11 are prepared…
• All of the English Department will be involved in
this process to ensure that pupils gain a valuable
first insight into the different style and layout of
examination paper.
• In light of this, we will tailor the December mock
examination preparation lessons to the needs of
the pupils.
• The December mock will also be a ‘walking
talking’ mock as part of the process of training
pupils for the terminal examination in May.
• AQA Dual Award pupils will also have the
additional mock examinations at the same time
but in a separate setting.
Ensuring that Year 11 are prepared…
• We have Hip Hop Rap artist, Breis, coming to work
with Year 11 pupils on Wednesday 15th October. Breis
will be performing to the whole of Year 11 and then
working with 60 pupils in workshops throughout the
day. He will return in April to inspire and motivate
pupils nearer to exam time.
• An English trip to Longrigg is currently being
organised and pupils who we feel would benefit most
from an intensive English course coupled with
outdoor activities will be invited.
• Pupils will be invited to attend revision days during
the school holidays. The focus will be on key skills and
examination technique.
• Year 11 pupils have responded extremely
maturely and positively to these changes
mid-way through Key Stage 4.
• They are currently producing some cracking
pieces of narrative / descriptive coursework.
• After half-term they will be embarking upon
the second piece of coursework before the
mock examination preparation.
What’s changed?
• Level of challenge
• Language demands
– Interpretation of question
– Correct spelling of keywords
– Need to answer in sentences
• Context
• Allocation of marks
In addition to this…
• Marks awarded for
– correct spelling of keywords
– standard of the layout of workings
– Communicating effectively
• Increased grade boundaries
• Requirement to retake if attain less than a
grade C
How can you help?
• Look at your child’s book
– Can you understand their thinking?
– Can they explain it to you?
• Encourage them to work on their targets
– Targets are recorded in their books on the green
• Encourage attendance at the after school
support club
– Mondays after school
• Encourage completion of homework
– Vital for regular practice and increased progress
• Not liking the
• A lack of interest
in the subject.
• Finding the work
difficult and giving
• Deciding that they • Not being fully
equipped - poor
are no good at a
• behind with homework.
• Avoiding
• You CAN DO everything, but not all at once.
• You CAN DO everything, if it’s important
enough for you to do.
• You CAN DO everything, but you may not be
the best at everything.
• You CAN DO everything, but there will be
• You CAN DO everything, but you’ll need help.
The Three Stages of attaining good
exam results…
• Stage 1 : Learning the content
first time round
• Stage 2 : Revision
• Stage 3 : The exam
Days ?
They may think that they have
forever but look at how many
hours they actually have in Year 11
Maths 3 .9 days (5 x 40 minutes lessons per
Technology 2.7 days (3 x 45 minute lessons)
History 2.3 days (3 x 40 minute lessons)
Topics will most likely only be covered once in this
time – learning first is key to successful revision and
exam results.
Every lesson counts………
Learning the content first time round
• Focus and effort in lessons.
• Research at home to further develop
• Fill gaps and check understanding.
• Producing good quality work in exercise
books. The quality of revision can only be as
good as the materials that are to be used.
• Develop the confidence that pupils can do it.
• Being more self-motivated and taking
responsibility for their own learning.
• Confidence to ask when they do not
• Perseverance, sticking at things when they
become difficult… not making excuses.
• Organisation and being equipped for the job.
• Working independently away from lessons.
• Develop a more mature working relationship
with staff.
Study Buddy…
Project manager
Resource Manager
Job description of a
parent whose child
is preparing for
Independent Study…
• In year 11 pupils should
be expected to be
completing 45 minutes to
an hour per subject per
• On average pupils should be completing
around 2 hours homework per night (5 nights).
• If this is this not the case, parents should be
asking why not?
My work is on the
computer at school.
I need to be in the
library at school to
do it- I’ll do it
We were given
time to finish it in
It doesn’t have to be
Mr ‘x’ never gives us
for ages – I've got loads
of time
We only have
to look
We didn’t get homework I’m doing that with a something up
friend and she’s got
on the
because there was a
the book.
supply teacher.
Where homework is not evident you
could suggest…
• Revisit the subject covered in a lesson that day.
• Research the topic further to gain a more indepth understanding.
• Check for gaps in class notes/exercise books.
• Make revision materials.
• Visit exam websites and look at past papers.
• Work on practical coursework subjects such as
Technology and Art.
• Learn Modern Language vocabulary.
• Read.
When to contact school….
• If your child constantly
tells you that they have
no homework or
preparation to do.
• You do not receive
information from school.
• If you note any changes
in your child’s behaviour.
• If a particular subject is
causing your child
particular difficulties.
Important dates for Year 11…
14th October Post 16 information night.
17th October English ‘Walk and Talk’ exams
25th November Mentoring Day
2nd December Prospective Post 16 Evening
8th December Mock Exams begin
15th January Mock Exam results sent home
21st January Year Group Photographs
23rd January Deadline for Post 16 applications
9th February Post 16 interviews begin
13th February English ‘Walk and Talk’ mock exams