Class Information Finish conversations and food outside before entering. Place all personal items against the wall. Take your music, pencil and bottle of water to your seat. When the bell rings, stand and prepare to sing. If you are late to class you will be sent to the discipline office to register your tardy. Only one person at a time may use the restroom. If the pass is gone you must wait. No bathroom passes the last 10 minutes of class. If I see or hear your phone or other electronic device, I will take it. Please place it in your backpack until it is needed for class projects. Class Rehearsal Basics/Effort/Attitude Daily Attendance Extra Rehearsal Attendance Concert Attendance Festival Participation Written/Skills Evaluations Your grade is based on a standard percentage (90%, 80%, etc.) and is weighted as follows: Concerts/Festivals/Assessments %50 Class Work %30 Final Exam %20 Vocal Pedagogy (teacher and student led) Announcements/Attendance Musicianship (reading/writing skills) Music Rehearsal (song selection will be on the white board when you come in each day) Wrap-up (weekly or more often if possible) Fun Fridays will be done as much as possible depending on time constraints for performances Women’s Formal Men’s Formal All Members Casual Standard class fees --- What are they for? Travel Expenses (i.e. food, lodging, transportation) Festival Fees (entry fees for choir festivals or competitions) Music (repair/replace) Why do we need a Choir Council? Officer Positions What are the duties of the officers? Dates for Nominations/Campaigning Date for Election What is the Booster Club for? Who can be in the Booster Club? How do I get my family involved? What’s on our website? How do I access the website? Click on “Students” tab Scroll to “Club & Activities” Click on Choir Club --- Ta Da!! How often should I check the website? Those who wish to sing always find a song. ~Proverb I don't sing because I'm happy; I'm happy because I sing. ~William James The total person sings not just the vocal chords. ~Esther Broner Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway. ~Emory Austin