Summer Seminar 2013 Welcome Social media is no longer a choice but a necessity Kherrin Wade Digital Media Account Director do digital better @kherrinw @adido #letsdodigital agenda • Introduction to social media • Integrating social into the business DNA • Social media channel options • Group task introduction to social media what is social media? Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. why should you use social media? Social is too big to be ignored “We believe social media is about changing our business culture, the ways we work and the ways we engage with our colleagues and customers. It is about creating businesses that have social in their DNA”. “It is about realising that everything, including our marketing, now happens in an environment where customers can, and will, talk about what we do and can share it with the world.” “With or without you, your customers will discuss their experiences online – don’t leave their comments up to chance. Give them a place where they can praise or abuse you, where you can engage and manage the conversation.” why should you use social media? Social has disrupted the traditional sales funnel On the old model, companies were solely focused on achieving a sale and that’s where customer interaction used to end… retention and advocacy were by-products rather than the aim. Social is not a direct response medium so don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s now about going the extra mile, and caring about the people you do business with. why should you use social media? insight into social media insight into social media 5 key take outs • Everyone is using social media • People are talking about your brand, with or without your involvement. • The social platforms may change but the concept is here to stay • Start with a strategy and a focus, avoid jumping in solely with tactical ambitions. • Don’t expect the world to change overnight – like good ol’ fashioned networking, you need to invest time and effort to make your campaign work integrating social into the business DNA define why you are using social media the GOAL of the social media • • • • • • Engagement What does success look Loyalty like? Retention Awareness Sales Research and development …? the FOCUS of the social media • • • • • • • Promotion Brand advocacy Customer relations Reputation management Recruitment Product/service development All (of some of the above) Will multiple profiles be needed? define who you are engaging with who is your target audience*? *(to achieve the goal) When describing your typical customer, consider: • Age • Gender • Occupation / seniority • Availability / schedule INFORMATION But also… ENTERTAINMENT • Where do they “hang out” online? • What would they want from you via social engagement? FEEDBACK / RESPONSE PROMOTIONS educate & establish buy in from critical business functions the social business Senior Management Finance Marketing Operations R&D What’s in it for me? Sales HR Legal Every employee, regardless of job role • • • • • • Participation Knowledge & ideas Recruitment Stakeholder engagement Relationships Distribution create the business’ social guidelines the rules of engagement Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Tone of Voice friendly / chatty / vibrant thought provoking / informative / practical authoritative / informative / intelligent keyword rich (hijack for SEO) Frequency of posts Regular weekly routine post + 1-2 posts a day (if relevant to topical issues & content to be posted) Timely – experiment with time of day for receiving most responses (requires testing) Once a week (until build up 100+ followers) and then up the frequency. As an when appropriate – you’re using this more for SEO than anything else, so once a week at least would be recommended. Content styles Share images & videos Include links (where appropriate) Include links Entice clicks by offering snippets of content for further reading Include links Add questions and comment on conversations Include links (optimised for keywords) Share images/infographics Native language @ likes/interests if relevant Tag location if appropriate @ / #s / retweets Shorten URLs Can edit the default content & image of a posted link + people into posts #s for search inclusion Limits 60,000 characters 140 characters 600 characters 100,000 characters appoint your social media guru why every company will have a social media guru in the future maximise implementation impact Why outsourcing isn’t the answer… • You understand your business better than anyone • Need to be “always-on” with a finger on the pulse • Real-time responses required • Expert opinion required • Faking it is not allowed – genuine interaction with the brand expected …but a little agency assistance wouldn’t hurt • • • Strategy Training Direction and support investing in social apportioning your budgets 2011 vs. 2012 view State of Digital Marketing 2011 and 2012 reports - Webmarketing some kpi suggestions Social Brands 100 methodology, 2013. social media channels the MAIN PLAYERS Facebook is for Connecting Updates, sharing, & life documenting Twitter is for Announcements Real time, bite-sized & brief LinkedIn is for Networking Professional, career focused, informative group task social pairs The GOAL The FOCUS The AUDIENCE Engagement Promotion Age Loyalty Brand Advocacy Gender Retention Customer Relations Behaviour Awareness Reputation Management Sales Recruitment Research & Development Product/Service Development Something else? All or some of the above Where do they “hang out” online? What would they want from you via social engagement? “Modern marketers know that ‘social’ is not a choice.”