Finders & Keepers Recruitment and Retention Strategies

‘Finders & Keepers’
Recruitment and Retention
March 27, 2013
Charlottetown PEI
Brian Duggan CHRP
Marathon Human Resources Consulting Group
Key Message
Building an Industry
A multi-level responsibility:
• Business leaders:
Build brand
Create openness to people
Attraction – Recruitment – Selection –
Engagement - Retention
Create opportunity for career growth
Stay on the edge of trends
Key Message
Building an Industry
A multi-level responsibility:
• Industry – Government
• Strategic Partnerships
• Mutual investment
• Build infrastructure to support
industry - education
• Broad topic related to day-to-day and
future vision
• The solution is within HR Strategy
• Employee life cycle
• Developing a Labour Supply
• Understanding todays workforce
• Global perspective
• The IT professionals that I talk to
assume that they:
• can stay on the leading edge of
• will have challenging work with new
• will make lots of money
• will have a ‘life’
• are smart and have answers
Business Leaders
What is your employment brand?
• What do you offer that others don’t?
• What do your employees say about
working in your organization?
• What does your website say about
Business Leaders
• What IT experience can be had here
and not anywhere else?
• Opportunities to develop
professionally: university, college
• Competitive wages / incentives
Build a Brand
• An example company with less than
1% turnover over 8 years:
• ‘We sold that we were one of a few
global firms doing what we did.’
• ‘We sold our location.’
• ‘We had opportunities for people to
develop and we leveraged them.’
• ‘First we wanted people to be here then we offered good money.’
Flagstone Reinsurance
Openness to people
• When a job seeker is referred to you
what do you say?
• ‘send me your resume’
• ‘we have no openings now’
• ‘when can you come in?’
Employee Life Cycle
Recruitment Strategy
• Attraction – Recruitment – Selection –
Engagement - Retention
Employment brand
Skill / competency needs
Candidate value proposition
Candidate value proposition
• Do candidates describe the value they
• Do candidates demonstrate an
understanding of who you are?
At the end of the interview do you know
what ‘fire’ burns within the candidate?
Rational Commitment = Retention
Emotional Commitment = Engagement
Creating an engaged culture is a
leadership responsibility
Engagement and Leadership
• 90% of leaders say that
engagement impacts on their
• 25% of the same leaders have
an engagement plan
Commitment - Engagement
to build
Engagement and Retention
Give employees a reason to stay
• Support PD and growth to keep on the
leading edge
• Find challenging assignments
• See opportunity in the creative abilities
of employees
Develop the labour supply
• Network with schools / associations
• Participate in job fairs, recruitment trips
• Non-traditional labour sources
• Baby Boomers
• Internationally trained
• Remote labour supply
Develop the Labour Supply
• University and College resources
• Skill preparation
• Incentives to stay and build the
• Greater Halifax Partnership Get
Connected Program
• Business attraction initiatives
• PEI Brand
Strategic Action
Memorial University of Newfoundland
College of the North Atlantic
• Tuition freeze and increased subsidy to Postsecondary education: three objectives
1. To increase the availability of postsecondary education for citizens of NL
2. Broaden base of students
3. Promote MUN as a centre for research
Strategic Action
Memorial University of Newfoundland
College of the North Atlantic
• Students go to NL and stay
• NL has a reputation as one of the best
educated populations in Canada
• Oil and gas industry labour supply
Building an Industry Results
Business leaders
Your Company is a prime place to work
You are more aware of the labour supply
• Focused on skill / competencies
You manage the employee life cycle
You are on the edge of trends
• Benefit from partnerships / professional
development opportunities
Building an Industry Results
Industry – Government
A branded center of excellence for IT
• Critical mass for development / practice
• Greater attraction to expertise / students
Greater opportunities to leverage knowledge
and skills on global stage
• Economic spinoffs
Strategic development of the labour supply
Strategic support of a growing industry
Thank you
Contact Information
Brian Duggan, CHRP
t. 902.421.4400
IN: Company Page:
T: @2010MarathonHR