The Skeletal System

The Skeletal System
By: Davis Runion
Ms. Sullivan
Basic Info.
The Skeletal system is a crucial part of the Human Body. All humans are
vertebrates, meaning that they have bones, ligaments, tendons, and
cartilage. The human’s bones are what give the specimen the ability to stand
up straight. The bones are held together by tendons and ligaments.
Cartilage is the cushion in between a human’s bones. If a human were to be
boneless, their body would have no support and they would collapse into a
heap on the floor. Bones are perfect support for the human body, for they
are light enough to leave a person mobile, but strong enough not to snap
unless under great force. Bones also provide great protection for a human’s
organs, and other fragile tissues. Some of the major organs protected by a
human’s bones are the brain, eyes, heart, lungs and spinal cord. The
skeleton also offers the ability of movement, for they are what muscles act
against to allow a person to move.
Bones are great for the protection of
organs and tissues. For example,
when a package is shipped, the
contents are neatly packed into the
box, sort of like the brain is packed
into the skull. When a package is
dropped, the box takes all the
damage; when a human hits their
head, the skull takes the impact,
protecting the brain. The ribs are
also important for protection.
Without the ribs, the person’s lungs,
heart, and many other organs and
soft tissues would be left
The bones are also crucial for a person to
be able to move. A persons legs consist of
many “accessory” bones and many
necessary bones. There are many joints in
the legs, one of the major being the knee.
In the knee, there is cartilage, tendons,
and ligaments.
What It All looks like
Fun Facts
Our bones are six times stronger than
steel if both are of the same weight.
 The size of the smallest bone is equivalent
to the size of a grain of rice.
 Of the 206 bones in the skeletal system,
52 of them make both our feet.
Skeletal System’s role in Homeostasis
The biggest way that the bones play a
role in homeostasis is by regulating the
amount of calcium in a person’s body. The
bones work sort of like a filter, allowing
only certain amounts of calcium in the
blood. Too much calcium would be called
hypercalcemia, while too little would be
called hypocalcemia.