Grant Hooper, Manager Grants Program Equity Trustees 1 The Changing Funder Landscape: Do you know your audience? Agenda • The Equity Trustees Experience • The Changing Operating Context • It’s Time to RETHINK Funding • Attracting Philanthropic Funding • Keeping Your Audience Warm • Where Does Your Board Fit? • How Can Structured Giving Help You? • Questions 3 The Equity Trustees Experience The Equity Trustees Experience EXPERIENCE Close to $100m Annually >450 Trusts INSIGHT >2,000 Grants 5 The Changing Operating Context The Not-For-Profit Landscape • Employing around 1 million people • 6.1 million volunteers Growth in income over last 7 years consistently around 5% • Total income around $100bBillion − ~ 30% government funded − ~ 30% service provision (not govt.) − ~ 30% philanthropy and fund raising • Many NFPs facing increased demand for their services 7 The Government Landscape • Demand for services increasing while revenue base is stalling e.g. GST and stamp duty 8 The Government Landscape cont’d • Increasingly seeking to leverage investment in social issues (Initiatives being lead by State Governments, particularly Queensland, ACT and NSW): − Payment by outcomes e.g. outcomes-based contracting arrangements − Place-based, sustainable, outcome-driven, ‘return on investment’ type approaches are increasing − Social Impact Investment e.g. Social Investment Bonds e.g. Social Enterprise Development Investment Funds to help take success to scale 9 The Philanthropy Landscape • Total foundations estimated to be ~ 5,000 – each as individual as the donor that established them • Total annual giving around $0.4 billion • Growth in the number of Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs): − more than 1,000 established since June 2001 − Cumulative donations into PAFs expected to have reached $4 billion in FY2013-14 − Cumulative distributions from PAFs expected to have reached a $1.5 billion in FY2013-14 10 The Changing Funder Landscape • State and Federal governments cutting back funding and increasing focus on outcomes • Diverse and growing philanthropic sector − Bigger but not necessarily easier to reach − Consolidation of Trustee companies − Trusts implementing more targeted grant making strategies. Increasingly looking for impact. • Emergence of ‘mega-gifts’ e.g. − Andrew & Nicola Forrest - $65 million foundation to fund research in WA − Packer family & Crown resorts - $200 million fund for the arts and other causes − Paul Ramsay – bequest of $3 billion to his foundation 11 It’s time to RETHINK funding It’s time to RETHINK funding • It’s time for Boards and executives to re-examine their traditional funding bases and their approaches to fundraising in order to ensure their future sustainability • Now take 5 minutes and do the following: − Breakdown your organisation’s requirements − Tick the box or write a dollar amount − Apply a percentage allocation to each • Where are your gaps? 13 It’s time to RETHINK funding cont’d Is philanthropy right for your organisation? Some things to consider: • The work your organisation does / the main beneficiaries • Your organisation’s legal structure and tax status • The resources that will be required to attract philanthropic support vs other types of funding and how well set up your organisation is to do this • Are you measuring and evaluating your impact and are you good at communicating this? 14 Attracting Philanthropic Funding Attracting Philanthropic Funding Resources & Locations Evidence base Track record & Sustainability Attracting Funding 16 Application forms and processes • Most foundations will have a formal process they use for choosing grant recipients – many of them will require you to submit an application. − Note: Sometimes this means quite long lead times between application and decision. • Whilst the questions they ask may vary, grantmakers typically want to know that an organisation can demonstrate the following: − Experienced and capable leadership − It has vision and a desire to take a long-term view − It has integrity to remain true to the core purpose and mission − Actively seeks to understand, measure and communicate its impact − Works in partnership with others − Commitment to dissemination of lessons learned through the appropriate networks in order to inform practice in the field − Designs of realistic budgets and creatively and sparingly uses resources 17 Keeping Your Audience Warm Keeping Your Audience Warm 19 Keeping Your Audience Warm • Current individual donors, ad hoc and major donors − Thank them for donations − Keep them informed about how funds were spent − Ask for future donations − Implement major donor programs − Ask for referrals to other giving individuals − Inform them of your bequest program (make it easy) • Trustee companies − Received a grant? Keep them informed about outcomes − Update on key developments. − Signpost future opportunities. − Apply for further grants 20 Keeping Your Audience Warm • Private Ancillary Funds − Board networks − High Net Worth Individuals − Research opportunities • Accountants & Lawyers − Board networks − Research opportunities − Inform them of your bequest program (make it easy) • Website and Social Media − Do you have clear content? − Do you distribute content regularly? − Is your call to action clear and enticing? 21 Where Does Your Board Fit? Where Does Your Board Fit? • Governance and retaining a commitment to the purpose and fundamental values of the organisation − However, can’t only be interested in your organisation’s charitable work − Need to ensure that the organisation is focusing on strengthening its clients / beneficiaries and your organisation Evaluation and reporting of impact Funding strategy (linked to organisation strategy) in place and monitored − Need to be advocates for your organisation and its purpose Refer to funding strategy and support through the use of networks Support the work of the fundraising team, don’t just delegate 23 How Can Structured Giving Help You? How Can Structured Giving Help You? • Understand the benefit structured giving plays in funding • Inform your supporters of the benefits of structured giving and their ability to leave a legacy to you • Encourage your supporters to consider a structure and make you beneficiary of their foundations − Individual donations at risk from death, cognitive decline and challenges to wills − Secure donations into perpetuity via a foundation • Generate your own goodwill − 90% of Equity Trustees’ trusts are Victoria only, therefore you need to be proactive in building awareness of philanthropic options − Guide your supporters on the benefits of supporting your organisation, your cause, your community and of supporting this through structured giving 25 Questions Contacts David Stewart Phone: (02) 9458 5524 Mobile: 0422 003 247 Email: Grant Hooper Phone: (03) 8623 5134 Email: 27 Thank you 28 Where are your CURRENT funding sources? WORKSHEET 1 Investment Income Government PAFs, PuAFs & Major donors Other foundations Other fundraising e.g. events, raffles etc. Earned Revenue e.g. Fee for Service or Social Enterprise Core Costs Programs Innovation/ New % 29 It’s time to RETHINK funding WORKSHEET 2 Not-For-Profit Org DGR1 YES NO Registered Charity Registered Charity Yes No Yes No Individual Donors, PAFs, PuAFs Charitable Will Trusts, Bequests Charitable Purposes Charitable Will Trusts Charitable Purposes Yes Some Will Trusts No Yes No Bequests Only Some Will Trusts Bequests Only 30 Attracting Philanthropic Funding WORKSHEET 3 What is the need you are seeking to address? What is your proposed solution? What’s your rationale / evidence base for this solution and why your organisation? What will it cost? Is this reasonable? What could be the impact of your proposed solution? How does this compare with cost? How well does the cause / solution align with the foundation you wish to approach? Local State National Location/s of implementation No Yes Details Partnering with Third Parties New/pilot Post-pilot Existing Small Moderate Large No Maybe Yes History of program Funding required Future funding available (sustainability) 31