Chapter 8 - Oxford University Press

Understanding Intercultural
Communication Second Edition
Chapter 8
What Causes us to Hold Biases Against
Stella Ting-Toomey & Leeva C. Chung
PowerPoint Slides Designed by Alex Flecky and Noorie Baig
Human Perception Tendencies: Some
General Principles
II. Biased Intergroup Filters:
Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes
III. Marking Ingroup/Outgroup
Membership Boundaries
IV. Shattered Lens: Prejudice,
Discrimination, and Racism
V. Intercultural Reality Check: Do-Ables
I. Human Perception Tendencies: Some
General Principles
Human perception:
• Process of selecting cues quickly from the
environment, organizing them into a coherent
pattern and labeling that pattern, and
interpreting that pattern in accordance with
our expectation.
Quick three-step process:
• Selective attention
• Selective organization and labeling
• Selective interpretation.
Perception Test
YouTube Perception Test
How many times does the team wearing
white pass the basketball?
II. Biased Intergroup Filters:
Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes
A. Ethnocentrism and Communication
Ethnocentrism: derived from two Greek
Ethno: “one’s own ethnic or cultural group”
Centrism: “One’s own group should be
looked upon as the center of the world”
Degrees of ethnocentrism:
• Distance of disparagement (high ethnocentrism)
• Distance of avoidance (moderate ethnocentrism)
• Distance of indifference (low ethnocentrism)
II. Biased Intergroup Filters:
Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes
Developmental Model of Intercultural
Sensitivity (DMIS)
Developed by Janet Bennett & Milton Bennett
A Popular Intercultural Training Model:
• Three states of ethnocentrism
• Three states in development of ethnorelativism
II. Biased Intergroup Filters:
Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes
Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
II. Biased Intergroup Filters:
Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes
Stereotype content model (SCM):
Formed along two dimensions:
• Perception of warmth dimension
• Perception of competence dimension
II. Biased Intergroup Filters:
Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes
A Two-Dimensional Stereotype Content Model
II. Biased Intergroup Filters:
Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes
Stereotyping is inevitable; key is to distinguish
between inflexible and flexible stereotyping.
• Inflexible stereotyping: holds onto negative
stereotypes by operating on automatic pilot.
• Flexible stereotyping: “mindfully minding our
II. Biased Intergroup Filters:
Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes
Table 8.1
Inflexible Stereotyping
Flexible Stereotyping
Automatic pilot reaction
Mindful of categorization
Rigid categories
Open-ended categories
Premature closure
First best-guesses
Polarized evaluations
Loose interpretations
Information distortion
Information openness
Unwilling to change
Willingness to change
II. Biased Intergroup Filters: Ethnocentrism
and Stereotypes
Click here to view UCLA student Alexandra Wallace’s
rant on Asian students in the library
• What are your interpretations?
• Apology accepted? Forgive & forget? Forgive but not
Click here to view Jimmy Wong’s reaction to
Alexandra Wallace
• What did you think of Wong’s response to Alex?
II. Biased Intergroup Filters: Ethnocentrism
and Stereotypes
B. Stereotypes and Communication
• Exaggerated pictures about a group of people on
the basis of inflexible beliefs and expectations
about the characteristics or behaviors of the group.
What are some factors that shape stereotypes?
Click here to view a clip from The Color of Friendship
III. Marking Ingroup-Outgroup
Membership Boundaries
Ingroup and Outgroup Attribution Differences
III. Marking Ingroup-Outgroup
Membership Boundaries
A. Us versus Them
Social identity theory:
Study of ingroup, outgroup membership,
how emotional attachment to social group
plays key role in forming social/personal
Ingroup: feel connected to.
Outgroup: feel emotionally and psychologically
III. Marking Ingroup/Outgroup
Membership Boundaries
B. Group Membership Struggle
C. Intergroup Attribution Biases
Attributions: the explanations—the meanings
of why people behave as they do.
• Fundamental attribution error
• Principle of negativity
• Favorable self-bias and other-derogation
• Self-effacement bias
III. Marking Ingroup/Outgroup
Membership Boundaries
Media Analysis: Crash film clip
Reflection Questions:
Where did the wife acquire her fear and
Do you think stereotypes—both negative and
positive—have their place? How so?
Where do we learn our stereotypes?
IV. Shattered Lens: Prejudice,
Discrimination, and Racism
Describes an individual’s feelings and
predispositions toward outgroup members in a
pejorative or negative direction, but can also
mean the opposite: One can be indiscriminately
for or against members of a particular group.
Four explanations for development of prejudice:
Exploitation theory
Scapegoating theory
Authoritarian personality approach
Structural approach
IV. Shattered Lens: Prejudice,
Discrimination, and Racism
B. Prejudiced Remarks . . .or Innocent Jokes?
Click here to watch a clip on how some ingroup members
treat their own members like outgroup members.
Where to draw the line question is difficult to
answer. . .
Click here to move toward the conscious competence
stage with respect to stereotyping, prejudice and
(*Caution – these clips contain offensive language).
IV. Shattered Lens: Prejudice,
Discrimination, and Racism
C. Four Discriminatory Practices
Verbal and nonverbal actions that carry out
prejudiced attitudes. Four practices:
Isolate discrimination:
Small-group discrimination
Direct institutional discrimination
Indirect institutional discrimination
IV. Shattered Lens: Prejudice,
Discrimination, and Racism
D. Different Types of Racism
Racism involves three principles:
• Feelings of superiority based on biological or racial
• Strong ingroup preferences and the rejection of
outgroups, different in customs or beliefs; and
• Doctrine that conveys special advantage to those in
Three basic examples of racism:
• Racial profiling
• Perpetuating stereotypic images
• Hate crimes
V. Intercultural Reality Check: Do-Ables
Be honest about your own biases.
Understand where you learn your stereotypes.
Seek accurate identity membership knowledge.
Get involved in diverse identity communities.
Cultivate constructive, intergroup contacts.
Work on positive, interdependent task goals.
Personalized the relationships & build trust.
Learn to listen and share…
Parting Thoughts…
In spite of everything I still believe that people are
really good at heart.
I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation
consisting of confusion, misery and death.
~ Anne Frank