Weeks 11, 12, 13R


Week 11, 12 and 13

Mrs. Barnett

English 1

Bell work

ALL bell work from the second (2 nd ) nine weeks will be part of the MUG Shot(Mechanics, Usage and Grammar) .

 The student will write the bell work sentence in his/her journal and make any corrections in the sentence with a different color pen or pencil.

Paragraph Quiz on every 5 th class day and the journal will be shown to Mrs. Barnett for grading of the other four (4) bell works.

Bell work #22

Comma (Unnecessary), Spelling, Comma (Other)

 Typewriters, originaly designed as writing machines for the blind became popular in the business world in the 1880s, and created many new jobs for women.

• Reminder:

– Label the Bell work #22

Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

5-minute writing

Bell work #22

Bell work #23

Hyphen, Comma (Appositive), Spelling, Using the Right Word

 Alaska, the largest state with the fewest people has one third of it’s land inside the Artic Circle.

• Reminder:

Label the Bell work #23

Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

– 5-minute writing

Bell work #23

Bell work #24

Comma (Unnecessary), Quotation Marks

 Humorist, Mark Twain (1835–1910) wore white linen suits in summer and in winter, because they made him feel “clean in a dirty world”.

• Reminder:

Label the Bell work #24

Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

5-minute writing

Bell work #24

Bell work #25

Colon, Quotation Marks, Comma (Appositive), Spelling, Comma


 Harriet Tubman, the former slave who became famous for her corage as a conductor on the Underground

Railroad once made this statement “On my

Underground Railroad, I never ran my train off the track and I never lost a passenger”.


– Label the Bell work #25

– Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

– 5-minute writing

Bell work #25

Bell work #26

Hyphen, Spelling, Colon, Apostrophe

 According to a well publicized goverment report, more than half of Americas’ new jobs will be in the following industries health services, business services, and retail trade.


Label the Bell work #26

Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

– 5-minute writing

Bell work #26

Bell work MUG Shot Paragraph Quiz

Twain and Technology Paragraph


Bell work #27

Comma (To Separate Adjectives), Spelling, Parentheses, Comma

(Other), Adverb Form

 Slow sustained streching helps lenghten tight cramped muscles increases flexibility and prevents muscle strains tiny tears in muscle fibers.


Label the Bell work #27

Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

– 5-minute writing

Bell work #27

Bell work #28

Comma (Other), Spelling, Quotation Marks

 The largest gold nugget ever found weighed about

200 pounds was descovered in 1969 near Ballarat

Australia, and was nicknamed Welcome Stranger.


– Label the Bell work #28

Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

5-minute writing

Bell work #28

Bell work #29

Comma (Parenthetical or Contrasted Elements), Colon, Comma

(Other), Abbreviation

 German leader Adolph Hitler born in Braunau,

Austria in 1889 took his own life at 330 pm on May

1 1945 in Berlin Germany.


Label the Bell work #29

Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

– 5-minute writing

Bell work #29

Bell work #30

Comma (To Separate Adjectives), Colon, Spelling, Apostrophe

 I learned this when I visited my uncles farm Pigs can get sunburned just like humans. This explanes why pigs hang out in cool soft mud whenever possible.


Label the Bell work #30

Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

5-minute writing

Bell work #30

Bell work #31

Comma (To Separate Adjectives), Spelling, Comma (Other)

 Chewing tobacco for exampel causes mouth and throat cancers as well as painful progressive tooth and gum problems.


– Label the Bell work #31

Write the sentence and correct any problems with a pen or another colored pencil

5-minute writing

Bell work #31

Bell work MUG Shot Paragraph Quiz

What’s So Good About Gold?

Thank you, M’am

Short Story – dealing with characterization

Read like a Rock Star

Student’s are to pick a book of interest to the student

Student’s book must have 150 pages and be school appropriate.

Research Paper


 How to pick a topic for your “persuasive” research paper?

 Listen and look at the topic list Mrs.

Barnett offers to the class

 Research the topic in InfoTrac – Gale


 Sign up for your topic
