Secondary heads ESCC 27 June 2014 for publishing

• Changes to the accountability measures for
• Pupil premium features in East Sussex
secondary schools in 2013
• Changes to RAISE for 2014
• FFT developments for October
Case for Change
Current system
A school is below the floor if less than 40% of pupil achieve
5A*-C including English and maths and pupils make below
median average (expected) progress in English and Maths
• The current system is easy to understand, but contains three
perverse incentives:
 Wolf Review identified that it encourages schools to enter pupils for
poor quality ‘easier to pass’ qualifications;
 It can encourage an excessive focus on pupils around the C/D grade
boundary, to the detriment of others; and
 It causes a narrow concentration on just five subjects, rather than a
broader curriculum.
The new indicators at KS4
• pupils’ progress across 8 subjects. So, a parent will see
whether pupils at a school typically achieve 1 grade more
than expected, or 1 grade less
• the average grade a pupil achieves in these same ‘best 8’
subjects. This will show, for example, that pupils in a
particular school average a high B grade or a low D grade
in their GCSEs
• the percentage of pupils achieving a C grade in English
and maths
• the proportion of pupils gaining the EBacc, which will
continue in its current form
Special schools
• How will this progress measure work for those pupils
who, because of their particular needs, cannot enter any
• The Progress measure will include the results of any pupil
who gains a grade in a GCSE or high value vocational
qualification. However, we know that about 1% of pupils
are working below this level. We have also been
consulting on how to recognise very low attaining pupils
in the primary accountability system. We will announce a
coherent policy for both primary and secondary schools
once we have analysed these consultation responses
• P scales will continue
Progress 8 / Attainment 8
Attainment 8 measure
EBacc qualifications
(sciences, computer science, geography,
history and languages)
*Higher score of English Language or English Literature
double-weighted if a student has taken both qualifications
‘Open group’
Remaining EBacc qualifications and
other approved qualifications
(GCSEs and other approved academic, arts or vocational
• We will calculate Attainment 8 and Progress 8 using eight eligible
• An A*=8 and a G=1 as point scores
• If a pupil has not taken a subject they score zero
Attainment 8
This represents only 6 subjects. The missing two score zero
Total = 34
Ave E/D
Attainment 8
Total = 65
Ave B/A
Progress 8
• We will calculate Progress 8 using a value added method, using KS2
English and maths results as a baseline.
• A school will be below the floor standard if pupils make half a grade
less progress than expected across their 8 subjects.
Current position
• All schools are being sent progress data based
on 2011, 2012 and 2013 (shows average and
school level entry pattern and attainment for
each element of Progress 8 by prior
• Schools will receive a progress 8 version of
their 2014 results (Jan 2015)
• School can opt in a year early, in 2015
• Supplementary measures
East Sussex 2013
Using FFT data
Subject entry patterns
• Entry patterns are changing and do affect
attainment 8 and progress 8 measures
• The English Baccalaureate was introduced in
2010, the number of entries has been rising
each year since
• The impact of the Wolf review upon outcomes
is unknown until the 2014 results are known
this summer
Increases in eligible subjects
% of pupils with 3 full slots
< level4 level4 > level4 Total
< level4 level4 > level4 Total
3 Open subjects
3 Ebacc subjects
FFT analyses
Attainment 8 & Progress 8
Analyses due to be available to East
Sussex secondary schools
Attainment 8
Attainment 8
What challenges do you face?
How can you respond to these?
How can alliances help?
Pupil Premium
East Sussex Key Stage 4 2013
You know this already but...
You know this already but...
You know this already but...
Disadvantaged pupils
Changes to RAISE 2014
Wolf, early and best entry, closing the
gap,destinations and what to do about
the 2010 Key Stage 2 boycott of testing
FFT developments