Crawford County Board of DD Presented by: Amy, Deb, Jill and Melissa Objectives Participants will be introduced to the concept of Floodlight Vision Participants will share examples of when Floodlight Vision have been of value in helping their organization or a person they serve to thrive Floodlight Vision 2 activities Learning Experience #10 Be A Duck (Rationality vs. Emotionality) Objectives: 1. Participants will be introduced to the concepts of Be a Duck, Emotionality & Rationality 2. Participants will share examples of when Being a Duck would have been of value to themselves, their organization or a person they serve. Being a Duck Trying to behave calm and unruffled on the surface, but paddle like crazy underneath *duck activity* Emotionality v Es. Rationality Reacting to high levels of internal emotional arousal Looks & feels like being overwhelmed by feelings and emotions Unplanned, impulsive, irrational and reactive Rationality Being able to think clearly, sensibly, and logically without being influenced by emotional arousal Being fully aware of and connected to thoughts, surroundings and feeling Your actions are planned, focused, thoughtful and purposeful Emotionality vs. Rationality Give us your thoughts of what the video showed was rationality Vs. emotionality (discussion)