Essentialism in Education: Principles & Proponents

Sarah Hawkes & Ryan Heasley
What is Essentialism?
An educational theory that believes that the
purpose of schooling is to impart necessary
knowledge, skills, and attitudes to enable young
people to function as fully developed human beings
in the modern world.
Schools should be organized to transmit this core of
essential material.
Classrooms are teacher-centered.
Major Proponents
William Bagley
 Influential
member of the Essentialist Committee for the
Advancement of American Education
 Opposed Progressivism and sought to create a
philosophy of education which stressed the basics
E.D. Hirsch, Jr.
 Believed
in the importance of cultural literacy and
extensive knowledge (facts, names, events, etc.)
Nature, Origin, & Motives
Essentialism began in the 1930s and 1940s.
It formed as a response to Progressivism’s overemphasis on
a child-centered approach to education.
There was a concern that schools were not helping students
develop an appropriate knowledge.
Essentialists believed schools should teach the basics (critical
core of information and skills) to students so that they could
be productive and contribute to modern society.
Essentialism has its roots from idealism and realism.
Principles of Essentialism
Learning involves hard work and discipline.
The teacher has the authority.
The core objective is for the student to learn the
essential subjects (which can change over time).
Schools should use traditional methods of instruction
(lecture, rote memorization, etc.).
Vocational courses are unjustifiable.
An Essentialist Classroom
The teacher can best instruct students, so s/he does not
let students’ interests determine what is taught.
The student is to sit, listen, learn passively, and be
respectful while the teacher instructs.
Children come to learn what they need to know.
Textbooks are frequently used.
Students’ desks are typically arranged in rows.
Lessons involve thinking and reasoning rather than
hands-on, “learning by doing” activities.
There is an emphasis on standards and testing.
Relation to Social
Foundations of Education
Interest in Essentialism revived after the USSR
launched Sputnik in 1957.
 Congress
passed the National Defense Education Act of
 Supported
loans to college students and gave graduate
 There was an emphasis on upgrading the instruction of math,
science, and foreign language in elementary and secondary
“Back to Basics” Movement
 “3
Rs”: Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic
Relation to Other Philosophies
Similar to Perennialism, Essentialism rejects art,
music, physical education, home economics, and
vocational education.
Unlike Perennialism, Essentialism accepts the idea
that the core curriculum may change.
While Progressivism is student-centered, Essentialism
is teacher-centered.
Visibility of Essentialism Today
No Child Left Behind
State Standards
Tests, tests, and more tests
CAM (Character Academics Marketplace) High
School in Battle Ground, WA
years of English, math, science, and history
 2 years of a foreign language
 Electives are contracted outside of school
Hirsch, E.D., Jr. (1987). Cultural literacy: What every American needs to know. Boston,
MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Kneller, G. (1971). Introduction to the philosophy of education (2nd ed.). New York,
NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Ozmon, H., & Craver, S. M. (2007). Philosophical foundations of education. (8th ed.).
Columbus, OH: Prentice Hall.
Sadker, D.M., Sadker, M. P. & Zittleman, K. R. (2008). Teachers, schools, and society.
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Sahu, B. (2007). The new educational philosophy. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons.
Starko, A., Sparks-Langer, G., Pasch, M., Frankes, L., Gardner, T., & Moody, C.
(2003). Teaching as decision making: Successful practices for the elementary teacher
(3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Tozer, S., Senese, G., & Violas, P. (2009). School and society: Historical and
contemporary perspectives (6th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.