A We are learning to explain the how diet affects our performance SO THAT: I can answer an exam question Identify the seven components a balanced diet Describe each component of diet and how it affects performance Explain how each component of diet affects sporting performance STARTER: Write down all the MACRO and MICRO nutrients you know. Scan the QR code if you need help. Watch the video and list the 7 constituents of a sports persons diet Watch the video and provide a food source for each of the 7 components of diet. Watch the video and explain why each component of diet is needed in sport. Exam Question For each area of diet, provide a USE for them. Task 2 Task 1 1.1.5:Personal Health and wellbeing - Diet and performance B C For each area of diet, PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE when each one is needed in a sport. Choose 4 sports and identify 3 constiuents that are needed in them and WHY! Task 3 Nutrintent Benefits to Performer Sports its useful Where do we get it in from? *Anita is a long distance runner who trains regularly and competes to a high standard. Identify the constituents she needs for a balanced diet. Anita’s performance and consider how her dietary requirements may be altered prior to an important race. Describe the importance of a balanced diet on Anita’s performance and describe how her dietary requirements may be altered prior to an important race. Explain the importance of a balanced diet on Anita’s performance and consider how her dietary requirements may be altered prior to an important race. Tweet a summary of something you have learnt: Task 1 Task 2 Exam Question 1. Anita is a long distance runner who trains regularly and competes to a high standard. Explain the importance of a balanced diet on Anita’s performance and consider how her dietary requirements may be altered prior to an important race. (6 marks) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________