Tablets for Teachers 2010 - Larry Cuban on School Reform and

Jefferson County Public Schools
Louisville, KY
Cary Petersen, Executive Director, Information
Sharon Shrout, Director, Computer Education
Support (Instructional Technology)
Donna Bryant, Education Technology Teacher
Mary Beth Singleton, Education Technology
CES 10/2010
Large Urban School District of 97,915 students
More than 54.9% of JCPS students receive free
or reduced price lunches
83% of the teachers have a Master’s Degree or
Student to Computer ratio – 4.25:1
CES 10/2010
Islands of technology excellence in many schools
One-to-One Pilot started 2004-2005
JCPSeSchool – District’s virtual school
JCPS Online – District-wide Learning Management
◦ Online technology assessment system – CASA
(Computer Application Skills Assessment)
◦ CSILE – Knowledge Forum in 17 schools
◦ Data Warehouse
CES 10/2010
Computers being under utilized in many schools.
School observation process indicated that very few
teachers (10% to 15%) were using technology for
Many teachers didn’t have a workstation or the
workstation was the oldest machine in the classroom.
The 2003-2004 Principals’ survey indicated that
technology was the least beneficial of expenditures for
improving instruction.
CES 10/2010
CES 10/2010
$30 million spent on
computer technology . . .
not helping students learn
CES 10/2010
Dedicated computer for the teacher
Replace the standard overhead projector with
computer as the primary instructional tool
Train teachers how to embed technology into their
CES 10/2010
Desktop PC
◦ Was approximately $200 less at the time of purchase.
◦ Stationary system
◦ Because of lack of quality systems for students, teachers
tended to share their computers with their students
◦ Portable for teachers to take home to get comfortable
◦ The unit would not be shared with the students
◦ How could we afford this?
◦ How could we not afford to purchase these?
CES 10/2010
Similar laptop capabilities.
Tablet could be used with the digital projector
with the stylus as an interactive whiteboard.
Tablets were about $300 more.
Fewer vendors had the convertible tablets.
CES 10/2010
Require relatively little training
Support richer data entry – Digital pen allows for
more intuitive input
More productive
Potentially less obtrusive
More accessible
More precise
CES 10/2010
The Tablet PC has features that are not
available when using an overhead projector or
standard PC.
Teachers can use the inking features to
highlight specific details within an instructional
presentation, word processing document, or
spreadsheet to enhance and strengthen the
learning process.
CES 10/2010
Digital projector – effective instructional use
Training –incorporating tablet into instruction
Embedded PD – applications and content area
CES 10/2010
CES 10/2010
Designed to increase the integration of
technology into classroom instruction by
providing each teacher with:
◦Tablet PC
◦ Digital Projector
◦ Professional Development
◦ Classroom Coaching
CES 10/2010
Increase teachers’ technology proficiency
Provide new and improved means of instructional
Boost student achievement through more
engaging classroom instruction
CES 10/2010
CES 10/2010
TabletPC basics
Windows Journal
Ink Flash Cards
Inking in Office products
Linking tablet features to instruction
CES 10/2010
2. KET Encyclomedia
3. BrainPop
4. Windows Journal
5. SMART Notebook
6. PowerPoint
7. MS Ink Flashcards
8. ePD Endorsement/JCPS Online/ TIP Resources /CLICK
9. MS Photo Story
10. JCPS Website/Instructional Links
CES 10/2010
Training Evaluation Comments
CES 10/2010
This is an excellent tool. . . I
cannot wait to use this with
CES 10/2010
This is totally awesome!
CES 10/2010
Finally something that replaces my
overhead projector and is actually
technology based.
CES 10/2010
I am excited to get to use this
laptop . . .
CES 10/2010
Every teacher in the system
needs this computer!
CES 10/2010
Target math teachers in middle school and 5th
grade (300+ teachers)
Summer PD and school based coaching
Education Technology Teachers worked with
classroom teachers
CES 10/2010
The change
CES 10/2010
Overheads pushed to the corner
Stylus becomes more important than chalk
Daily notes archived instead of existing in the
Archived notes available to students in printed or
electronic format
CES 10/2010
CES 10/2010
Over 700 teachers from every school in the district received the
Focused on high school math, middle and elementary science
Summer PD was changed from 12 hours to 6 hours
School based PD continued with the Education Technology
Teachers working with classroom teachers
Trained 154 School Technology Coordinators (STC) during the
year for better support for Year 3
Collegial support from Year 1 Math teachers
CES 10/2010
The “Year 1” Middle school math teachers were
observed using technology in 91% of their
High school math teachers were as successful as the
middle school math teachers.
More teachers requested the technology for their
grade or subject area.
Continued strong support from the Assistant
Superintendents and Principals.
Teacher enrollment increased for summer technology
CES 10/2010
Approximately 2,300 teachers were trained in the
◦ Over 1,100 elementary teachers
◦ Over 1,200 middle and high school teachers
Six hour PD sessions were scheduled to handle up to 50
teachers per day.
ETT’s continue to provide instructional support to
classroom teachers
STC’s provide technical support
Collegial support was present at every school
Enlisted support from district instructional coaches
Approximately 400 additional teachers were trained
during the school year.
CES 10/2010
All schools participated.
Remaining teachers eagerly anticipated the
technology for their grade or subject area.
Enrollment for summer technology classes
increased with each year of TIP implementation.
Project success exceeds original expectations!
CES 10/2010
In the first three years of TIP we were able to train over 3,500
teachers in all disciplines (i.e., math, sciences, language arts,
arts and humanities, and social studies) and grade levels.
◦ 2005 – 300+ teachers
◦ 2006 – 700 teachers plus 154 STCs
◦ 2007 –2,300 teachers plus approximately 400 additional teachers
during the year
Summer 2008 1,918 additional teachers received this training.
Finished the project for all 5,700 teachers two years earlier
than projected.
CES 10/2010
Observations indicate increased student
engagement in the classroom, because teachers
used many resources (i.e., film clips, photos, Web
sites) to command their attention.
Teachers inking on electronic versions of curricular
materials allow students to closely follow instruction.
Teachers invite the students to write on the tablet
when answering questions which adds another
dimension of excitement and engagement for
CES 10/2010
The kids love to do problems on the Tablet!
And….of course, every day I have to match the
Journal page and pen color with my outfit.
Sharon Mudd, JCTMS
CES 10/2010
Students have access to more information
Information and notes are more organized for
presentation, visually and exciting
More interactions with students and teachers
surrounding technology
Teachers sharing resources they’ve created
Builds a community in the room, students want to
teach and participate
CES 10/2010
Lessons are more systemic and planned
Tablet allows for more creative teaching
Technology has become important to teachers
As teachers’ comfort level increased, a more
collaborative classroom environment evolved
Collegial support increases
Greater participation in additional technology based PD
Instruction becomes more engaging while addressing
diverse learner styles
TIP assists teachers in meeting technology goals and
CES 10/2010
A teacher has the ability to annotate, critique, and
analyze student work using ink features for whole
class instruction.
Middle school math and science as well as other
content area teachers have their curricular
materials “printed” into Windows Journal which
gives them the ability to write on the documents
when reviewing with students. They have the
ability to save the completed work to review again
as well as print out materials for students who are
absent and miss instruction.
CES 10/2010
CES 10/2010
The best thing is being able to scan worksheets/ lab
sheets or samples and actually be able to draw
directly on the Tablet. This really helps my kids. Then
I save many of the files and print them for absent
students or for my ECE collaboration teacher so they
can review with ECE students for extra help.
Robi Schultz, Iroquois Middle School
CES 10/2010
I am able to save any annotations I make on our notes
for the day and post them online for absent students to
have a copy. Since many classes are at different levels
my annotations vary, thus I have different notes posted
online. It saves the hassle of students having to rely on
another student for notes.
Lacey Brown Eckels, Farnsley Middle School
CES 10/2010
CES 10/2010
Principal and teacher surveys
Professional Development
Classroom observations
Achievement Data
CES 10/2010
CES 10/2010
Level of Computer Use
Low level
CES 10/2010
Summer Training
CES 10/2010
CES 10/2010
JCPS Middle School Math
Novice went down
11.46 %
Proficient and
went up 21.23%
% Novice
% Apprentice
% Proficient
% Distinguished
Note: National Average for urban districts was 5% increase for Proficient and Distinguished for
the same time period (Source: Urban Educator – May 2008).
CES 10/2010
11.46% reduction of Novice level
21.23% increase at the Proficient and Distinguished level
84% of the teachers used technology as part of their instruction
Teachers’ technology skill levels and their ability to use technology
in the classroom in meaningful ways increased.
Principal surveys showed that
◦ 86% felt the program increased student achievement,
◦ 96% felt it increased student engagement, and
◦ 96% supported expanding the program.
CES 10/2010
CES 10/2010
Cary Petersen – Executive Director, Information
Sharon Shrout – Director, Computer Education Support
Donna Bryant – Education Technology Teacher
Mary Beth Singleton – Education Technology Teacher
CES 10/2010