Anastacia Ryan
Policy Officer
Global Network of Sex Work Projects
Asia and the Pacific Region
Issues and Problems Facing Sex
Stigma and
“We use our bodies to
do business and we
are not doing anything
wrong. Why do our
governments keep
saying that we are
Sex Worker, Myanmar
Creating an Enabling
Legal and Policy
“When sex workers
are arrested and go to
court, there are no
lawyers to represent
them. Sex workers are
looked down upon by
the legal fraternity”
Sex worker, Malaysia
Sexual and
Reproductive Health
“I got tested and I was
positive. There was no
support for me after I
found out and the
results were not kept
confidential. I couldn’t
get work as everyone
knew I had HIV and
used this against me”
Sex worker, Myanmar
Violence against Sex
“To make citizens
believe and to prove
to them police are
taking action, we
usually beat and hurt
these sex workers in
public places”
Police official in
documentary by sex
workers Forum Kerala
Cambodian Sex Workers
Campaign Against MTV
Exit Campaign
“The MTV platform
has the potential to be
a great platform in
Cambodia for issues
around trafficking, but
there main failure is
their complete
disconnect from
The Effect of Well
Campaigns that do
not Consult with Sex
Listen, Support and Break the Silence
“Drafters should, at a minimum, include prostitution as one
of the forms of sexual exploitation outlined in the law.
Drafters should also carefully review the laws on
prostitution to determine whether such laws need to be
reformed. The existence of the sex industry and the demand
for the sale of women and children for sex creates the
conditions that allow for traffickers to operate”
UN Secretary General’s Campaign to End Violence Against Women
“I swore never to be silent
whenever and wherever human
beings endure suffering and
humiliation. We must take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor,
never the victim. Silence
encourages the tormentor, never
the tormented.”