9th Grade Career Presentation








G R A D E 9

C A R E E R A N D C O L L E G E R E A D I N E S S U N I T - L E S S O N 2

E S S E N T I A L Q U E S T I O N : H O W D O Y O U R I N T E R E S T S A N D

P E R S O N A L I T Y R E L A T E T O Y O U R C A R E E R G O A L S ?

D I R E C T I O N S :

1 . ) P L E A S E G E T A C O M P U T E R F R O M T H E L A P T O P C A R T O R S I T A T

A C O M P U T E R I N T H E R O O M , L O G O N .

2 . ) P L E A S E S T A R T W O R K I N G O N T H E M B T I P E R S O N A L I T Y T E S T

T H A T W A S G I V E N T O Y O U O N Y O U R W A Y I N .

3 . ) B E P R E P A R E D W I T H A P E N C I L / P E N A N D P A P E R .

1.) Please complete the MBTI

Personality Type test.

2.) Compare your result code type with the Career Key map on what Career

Cluster might fit you.

Before embarking on your postsecondary goals, it is important to complete some self-exploration.

Self Exploration helps to:

 Increase awareness about your current skills, talent and aptitudes.

 Relating your skills, interest, talent sand aptitudes to career choices.

 Making a connection between both and beginning to develop a plan.

 Discover post secondary schools and careers that compliment your strengths, interests and abilities.


Pennsylvania maintains and support programs of study across 15 of the 16 Career

Clusters, including:

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Clusters

Architecture & Construction Career Clusters

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Career Clusters

Business Management & Administration Career Clusters

Education & Training Career Clusters

Finance Career Clusters

Health Science Career Clusters

Hospitality & Tourism Career Clusters

Human Services Career Clusters

Information Technology Career Clusters

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Career Clusters

Manufacturing Career Clusters

Marketing Career Clusters

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Clusters

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Clusters

*To access Career


Username: Tulpehock

Password: Careers

Part II






*Log on to www.careercruising.com


Click on “Learn About Careers” and then on the “16 Career

Clusters” tab.

Click on your career cluster

(the one you circled).

Begin to search for careers within that cluster.

Choose 1 career to begin your essay.






Career Path



 Make a rough draft of a potential career plan from the information you have gathered.

Look at:

MBTI personality test

Career cluster you chose

1 Career choice from the career cluster to map out.


• What are my required courses?

• Do I need a language?


• Other requirements?

• What are my interests?

4 year college/Tech school/Work force

• What is my major?

• Internship?

• Classes?

• Finances?

• Sports?

After Graduation

• Find job in my field

• Set goals for future success in my career.

• What more will I want to do in my career?

• Community involvement




• Do I need more education to reach my goals and what does that look like?




 Paragraph 1-Introduction (Thesis Statement)

Explain why you chose this career. You may begin your paragraph with, “The career field I would like to pursue after graduating high school/ college is…Describe the job (what do they do?)

Paragraph 2- Describe the working conditions, salary, and educational requirements.

Paragraph 3-Describe personal characteristics/ abilities needed for the career and the occupational outlook (job openings?) Describe which level you are most likely to follow. Why?

Paragraph 4-Conclusion : Explain why you are suited or not suited for this career. Discuss at least two other career options you might explore if this choice doesn’t work out for you or if you change your mind.


 Describe your long term career goal and why you chose to pursue this goal( e.g., My career goal is to become a stone mason. My grandfather and father were both stone masons; I would like to follow in their footsteps and eventually own my own business).

What you have done to date that has helped you learn more about this field . (job shadow, volunteer work, summer job)

 Why you feel you will be successful in this career field.

Please note: Your written response will be evaluated on evidence of career planning, preparation, and interest.
