Learning 08-11-2012 CCE- CONTINUOUS ,COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION EXAM REFORMS AS IN NCF 2005 MEANING AND SIGNIFICANCE OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT PLACE OF FA 2 AND FA4 IN THE ASSESSMENT SCHEME CCE JARGON / TERMS ABOUT THE CCE PACKAGE ROLE OF TEACHERS ROLE OF CCE MENTORS 08-11-2012 School Based Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system is Introduced to: Reduce stress on children Make evaluation comprehensive and regular Provide space for the teacher for creative teaching Provide a tool of diagnosis and remedial action Produce learners with greater skills ( Position Paper on Aims of Education - NCF 2005, NCERT) 08-11-2012 It means 1. regularity of assessment, 2. frequency of unit testing, 3. diagnosis of learning gaps, 4. use of corrective measures, 5. retesting and feedback of evidence to teachers and students for their self evaluation. 08-11-2012 means that 1. It covers both the scholastic and the coscholastic aspects of the students’ growth and development . 2. Since abilities, attitudes and aptitudes can manifest themselves in the forms other than the written word, the term refers to application of variety of tools and techniques (both testing and non-testing) 3. Assessing a learner’s development in areas of learning, like:- Knowledge,Understanding Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating 08-11-2012 Evaluation should lead to 1. diagnosis, 2. remedial action and enhancement of learning. 3. The scope of evaluation in schools extends to almost all the areas of learners ’ personality development. 4. It should include both scholastic and co-scholastic areas 5. It should be comprehensive in nature 08-11-2012 The word ‘assess’ Comes from the Latin verb ‘assidere’ meaning ‘to sit with’. In assessment one is supposed to sit with the learner. This implies it is something we do with and for students and not to students (Green, 1998) 08-11-2012 Summative vs. Formative Assessment The garden analogy If we think of our children as plants … Summative assessment of the plants is the process of simply measuring them. It might be interesting to compare and analyze measurements but, in themselves, these do not affect the growth of the plants. Formative assessment, on the other hand, is the equivalent of feeding and watering the plants appropriate to their needs - directly affecting their growth. 08-11-2012 • Using your note pad quickly define and/or provide specific examples of: » Formative Assessment(s) » Summative Assessment(s) You have 2 minutes- Ready set go……………… Now share with your neighbour, minimal discussion, just share your answer. If you don’t have one or don’t know or aren’t sure, that is alright. You have 2 minutes- Ready set go………………. 08-11-2012 08-11-2012 The weightage of Formative Assessment (FA) and Summative Assessment (SA) shall be as follows: Term Type of Assessment Percentage of weightage in Term wise Weightage academic session Total FIRST TERM (April-Sept) Formative Assessment 1 (PEN-PAPER) Formative Assessment 2 10 Formative Assessment 1+2+3+4= 40 Formative Assessment 1+2 = 20 10 Summative Assessment 1+2= 60 (Continuous Assessment) Summative Assessment 1 30 Summative Assessment 1 = 30 10 Formative Assessment 3+4 = 20 Total= 100 (PEN-PAPER) SECOND TERM (Oct-March) Formative Assessment 3 (PEN-PAPER) Formative Assessment 4 10 (Continuous Assessment) Summative Assessment 2 08-11-2012 (PEN-PAPER) 30 Summative Assessment 2 = 30 Source : KVS Guidelines for CCE 08-11-2012 ACTIVITIES ASSESS FEEDBACKcommunication MODIFY TEACHING-LEARNING 08-11-2012 08-11-2012 08-11-2012 08-11-2012 1. DIAGNOSTIC 2. SCHOOL BASED EVALUATION 3. HOLISTIC 4. CONTINUOUS 5. COMPREHENSIVE 6. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 7. DESCRIPTIVE INDICATOR 8. SKILLS 9. CO SCHOLASTIC 10. LEARNER PROFILE 11. SCHOLASTIC 12. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT 13. PERIODICITY 14. REMEDIAL 15. FEEDBACK 16. INDICATORS OF ASSESSMENT 08-11-2012 About the CCE Package -Secondary The package has the following modules: Scholastic Areas- English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Science Each scholastic area has the following aspects: General Information on CCE KVS Split of Syllabus Activities for each Unit/ Lesson/chapter Action Plan for FA2 and FA4 Areas of Assessment Criteria for Assessment Formats Latest changes in exam pattern for Classes IX & X Co-Scholastic Areas- Life Skills, Values and Attitudes, Work Education, Performing Arts, Physical and Health Education General Information Areas of Assessment Criteria for Assessment Formats CBSE – FAQs on Class X 08-11-2012 CCE Package Secondary CBSE GUIDELINES ON CCE - www.cbse.nic.in KVS Guidelines on CCE- KVS Split up of Syllabus ( www. kvsangathan.nic.in) CCE Package Primary KVS Guidelines on CCE KVS Split up of Syllabus ( www. kvsangathan.nic.in) NCERT’s Source Book on Assessment – Languages, Maths, EVS NCERT Syllabus Guidelines- Languages, Maths, EVS 08-11-2012 Each package is fully independent having the complete details needed for the subject. It can be issued to each subject teacher if needed. 08-11-2012 A VIDYALAYA LEVEL ASSESSMENT PLAN SPECIFIC TO EACH KV TO BE DRAWN UP GUIDED BY A GIVEN SAMPLE. THIS PLAN AIMS TO PROVIDE COMPLETE DETAILS OF CLASSES, TEACHER ROLES, PERIODICITY, TIMELINES AND OTHER DETAILS .THIS ALSO AIMS TO ENSURE EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF WORK TO A LARGE EXTENT BY ALLOTTING THE CO-SCHOLASTIC AREAS TO SPECIFIC TEACHERS 08-11-2012 It is Possible-You can make it happen Assessment can become a useful and interesting process. To realize this you need to be careful about: 1. Being clear about why you are assessing the child. 2. Not labelling children as, slow, poor, intelligent, dull on making comparisons between children. 3. Using a variety of ways to collect information about the child's learning and progress in subjects and across curricular boundaries. 4. Collecting information continuously and recording the same. 5. Giving importance to each child's way of responding and learning and the time it takes to do so. 6. Reporting on ongoing, continuous basis and being sensitive to every child's responses. 7. Not making negative statements or using technical language during assessment or while providing feedback to the child, parents or others. 8. Providing feedback in clear and simple language, which will lead to positive action and help the child to do better. 08-11-2012 SERVE AS A ONE STOP REFERENCE FOR ALL CCE RELATED ACTIVITIES IN THE VIDYALAYA PLAN AND IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR CCE ENSURE CHILD FRIENDLY IMPLEMENTATION OF CCE IN LETTER AND SPIRIT BE CLEAR ABOUT CCE GUIDELINES IN ALL SCHOLASTIC AND COSCHOLASTIC AREAS AND THE FRAMEWORK GIVEN BY CBSE/KVS ENCOURAGE AND MOTIVATE THE TEACHERS BY EXPLAINING THE FRAMEWORK AND EXPECTATIONS CLEARLY VIDYALAYA LEVEL CCE MENTOR BUILD CAPACITY OF SELF AND TEACHERS THROUGH CONTINUOUS UPGRADING OF CCE RELATED SKILLS IN SUBJECT COMMITTEE MEETINGS 08-11-2012 ADAPT AND APPLY THE FRAMEWORK/GUIDELINES TO THE SPECIFIC NEEDS OF THE VIDYALAYA 08-11-2012 08-11-2012