ST∑@M Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all understood with elements of Mathematics. More info: The Game of Baduk/Go/Wei-chi What is Baduk/Go/Wei-chi? Asian strategy game • China - 4000 yrs. Ago Why Baduk/Go Stayed East High Class Chess - Feudal Baduk/Go – ying/yang Silk Road Compared to chess • Easier to learn, harder to master • Handicap System • Unlimited possibilities • No computer yet able to play at master level Baduk/Go Schools • Devoted Go Schools • Baduk/Go Clubs at schools (50+ across US) Collegiate Level Middlebury, VT – 1 course Collegiate Department of Baduk, at Myongji University: Korea - 1998 • Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees Einstein reportedly said… ‘If I had learned go as a young man, I might have been a smart man.’ Einstein with professional Baduk/Go player Fukuda Masayoshi. 430&w=503&sz=76&hl=en&start=93&tbnid=annuJaRBn0u8VM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbaduk%26start%3D90%26ndsp%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26 lr%3D%26sa%3DN Science Relationships Boards: Katsura wood Stones: Slate, Shell, Glass, Plastic & Jade Bowls: wood, woven & decorative # of Games Possible Technology Relationships Creativity Strategy Design Materials & Processes Engineering Relationships Excellent for; •Cognitive development •Balance of design – L/R Brain •Computer programming •Best move for both Mathematics Relationships Pattern recognition Binary mathematics Calendar Movie - Pi * Arts Relationships History Ex: WWII Japanese strategy & US camps SS Ex: Mutual Respect vs. Annihilation Literature ex: Graphic & Novels – 1st Poetry Fine Arts Relationships Recap of Go Lesson Go • History • STEAM relationships C/TM 2014 Deliverable • Tie-in to your educational focus – how can you see using this game? C/TM 2014 ST∑@M Science & Technology interpreted through Engineering & the Arts, all understood with elements of Mathematics. More info: Playing Go Go • Rules • Resources C/TM 2014 The Art of Playing Holding Stones Musical Boards Board Sizes Star Points = Handicap Komi Black goes first – Komi Points Players take turns - stones on the intersections Begin Game - Goal Create territory by surrounding open space Corners – Sides Playing Stones Each intersection is a point of territory Once a stone is put down it does not move unless it’s captured – Atari = Check Captured stone – prisoner – save til end of game Ko- Repetition Rule One may not play a move which repeats a previous board position. Claiming Territory Fenceposts & Walls Living Groups A safe group of stones must have two eyes •two or more, internal but separate empty points Center Game Over Game End: no plays left to make. Captured Stones: Are filled in Counting: Pieces are moved Baduk Daily Notes Sheet C. 2009 Resources: American Go Association - American Go Foundation dex.html Most major US cities have Baduk/Go clubs. Recap of Lesson Rules of Go Deliverables • Play Go • Order equipment & books