this document - the Enhancement Themes website

Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
Active Learning Outside the Classroom.
Outcomes of the workshop
Explore the synthesis between theory and practice
Challenge assumptions
Provide an opportunity for delegates to stretch out of their personal zones of comfort
Promote critical thought
Enhance understandings of reflective practice
Offer an opportunity for delegates to try problem solving and reviewing activities that
can be adapted for purpose
Give delegates more confidence in taking learning outside the classroom
Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
Active Learning Outside the Classroom.
Managing change through the
process of reflective practice and
reflexivity is part of transformative
Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
The experience drawn upon for this Conference workshop is a 3 day 2 night
residential in the Cairngorm National Park delivered as a Reflective Practitioner
module as part of the BA in Education and Social Services degree course at the
University of Strathclyde.
Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
Some theory underpinning the BAESS Reflective Practitioner module and drawn upon for this
Dewey, J.
Gilligan, R.
Kolb, D.
Mezirow, J.
Moon, J.
Bolton, G.
Seligman, M.
Schon, D.
Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell
Experience and Education
Learning cycles
Learning as transformation
Reflection & reflective learning journals
Reflective practice
Flourishing and theory of happiness & wellbeing
Reflecting (for-action) in - action & on - action
Reflective process & writing
Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
A note on Resilience …
“Normal development under difficult conditions”
(Fonagy et at 1994)
“…a set of qualities that helps a person to withstand many of the negative effects of
(Gilligan 2000)
“Resilient people…are those whose mental well-being is far better than might have been
predicted given the adversities that they have encountered. Resilience is not simply an
absence of psychological symptoms despite having experienced adversity, it is the
possession of a positive adaptive ability that enables a person to feel competent…”
(Daniel 2003)
Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
Pedler Burgoyne and Boydell expanded and simplified Kolbs learning theory and developed the model of:
Something happened. The brief outline or description of an event.
i.e. We came to a conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education
What happened? Interpretation of what is was that happened.
So what ? What meaning does this have to you personally or professionally?
What now? What are you going to do with what you have discovered and how are you going to do it?
This model of reflective questioning is useful when writing and this is the model we use to facilitate the review
and reflective process in todays workshop.
Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
Workshop Activities:
If you have any physical or emotional issues that may be affected by participation, please take
a step back and observe.
There is no need to explain or justify your decision.
We ask that 2 people per group act as silent observers. The observers will have an
observation sheet on which to make notes. If electing to be an observer, please be ready to
share your observations with the wider group.
Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
Reviewing the experience
To complete the cycle of todays workshop we will be using a variety of reviewing materials
and ‘tools’. Some of the reviewing activity we will share within the workshop today and
some you may be able to take home with you.
Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
Research with students who have participated in the Outdoor Residential Experience
discussed in this workshop currently indicates:
 A strongly developed awareness of the synthesis between theory and practice.
 Living communally increased understanding of how to ‘be’ with people and raised
awareness of different languages of communication.
 Developed inter and intra personal skills.
 Being in the outdoors provided an environment where individuals felt able to question
(explore and discuss) taken for granted assumptions.
 Developed strong feelings of wellbeing.
 Identified and increased resilience.
Further reading
Beams, S., Higgens, P., Nicol,R. (2012) Learning outside the classroom. Routeledge: Oxon
Bolton, G. (2012) Reflective Practice: writing and professional development. London: Sage
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979) The ecology of human development. London: Harvard University Press
Daniel, B. (2003) The value of resilience as a concept for practice in residential settings, Scottish Journal of
Residential Child care, 2, 1: 6-17.
Dewey, J. (1997) Experience and Education. New York: Touchstone
Fonagy, P., Steele, M., Higgitt, H. and Target, M. (1994) The theory and practice of resilience, The Journal of Child
Psychology, 35, 2: 231-257.
Friere, P. (1996) Pedagogy of the oppressed. London: Penguin Books
Gilligan, R. (2000) Adversity, resilience and young people: the protective value of positive school and spare time
experiences, Children and Society, 14, 3: 37-47.
Grenville- Cleave, B. (2012) Positive psychology: a practical guide. London: Icon Books Ltd.
Jeffs, T., Smith, M. (2010) Informal Education: conversation, democracy and learning. Nottingham: Educational
Heretics Press
Kolb, D. (1984) Experiential learning as the science of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall,
Mc Drury & Altero, M. (2003) Learning Through Storytelling in higher Education. Kogan Page: London
Mezirow, J & Associates. (2000) Learning as transformation. San Francisco: Jossey Bass
Moon, J. (1999) Learning journals. London: Kogan Page
Moon, J. (2010) Reflection in Learning and Professional Development: theory and practice. London: Routledge
Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J.G. and Boydell, T (2003) A managers guide to leadership. McGraw Hill: Maidenhead
Seligman, M. E. P. (2011). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. Free press. New
Schon, D.A. (2007) The Reflective Practitioner. How professionals think in action. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Jan Wilmington MA
DR Nina Saunders
We hope you have enjoyed todays session and have found something within it useful for
your own practice.
Should you wish further information about the activities or anything discussed at todays
workshop please speak with us or contact: