Rize International Fiber-Optic Sub-Marine Cable Backbones

Poti–Constanta (section towards Odessa), Poti-Istambul or/and PotiRise International fiber-optic sub-marine cable backbones
Brief Overview
Formation of Euro-Asian Transportation, Energy and Information corridors
have great strategic significance not just for South-Caucasus region but for
every country of Black and Caspian Sees Basin. We have to consider
Information corridor as an independent and unique which together with
Transport and Energy projects makes economic space as a whole. It consists of
new fiber-optic cable backbone construction between Europe and Asia and
upgraded existed fiber-optic backbones.
We have to consider Information corridor as an independent and unique
which together with Transport and Energy projects makes economic space
as a whole.
Biref Overview
From the political and strategic point of view, new information space should
become foreign-political growing factor of its countries. And, from the
economic point of view - one of the major link for Transportation Corridor
Europe Caucasus Asia (TRASECA), Baku-Tbilisi-Jeihan Gas & Oil pipelines
Europe-Asia Information space includes huge territory with more then 26
countries and several hundredes of million populations. Establishing new
alternative routes – infotelecommunication means to world markets and
individual countries, make additional political and economic conditions for the
countries, which in conclusion is an important factor for their social and
political power, and strengthening of their sovereignty
Poti – Constance (with the branch to Odessa), Poti-Istanbul and/or Poti Rize International Fiber-Optic Sub-Marine Cable Backbones
Construction of Poti – Constance (with the branch to Odessa), PotiIstanbul and/or Poti – Rize international fiber-optic sub-marine cable
backbones are significant factor in the process of South Caucasus
countries’ worldwide integration, at the same time in establishing
process of new information space for connecting Europe&Asia.
Current and future international sub-marine fiber-optic
backbone cable lines in Black Sea Basin
Current sub-marine international
fiber-optic backbone cable
Current sub-marine international
fiber-optic backbone cable
backbones Poti-Varna
Project fiber-optic cable
Poti – Constantsa (with a branch to Odessa), Poti - Istanbul and/or Poti Rize international fiber -optic submarine cable will be the part of
Trans EuroAsian information superhighway (TASIM), the construction
of which is supported by the UN General Assembly 64 - th Session.
Trans - Eurasian information superhighway presents new information
route connecting Asia and Europe, which will go through Georgia, and
be handling large amounts of traffic.
Traffic volume is increasing between
Europe and Asia. As an example: by
2008 traffic amounted 20.1 Tbps.,
and forecast by 2012 is that traffic
volume would surplus 81.1 Tbps.
From year to year the demand on
instance, traffic volume in 2008
amounted 20.1 Tbps, while for the
year 2012 the traffic volume is
assumed surplus of 81.1 Tbps.
Regional Criteria
Poti - Constantsa (with a branch to Odessa), Poti - Istanbul and/or Poti Rize international fiber -optic submarine cable will be connected to
Georgia in Poti, on the territories of Azerbaijan and Armenia to the
existing and constructing interstate highway cables, in the Constantsa,
Odessa and Istanbul (or in Rize) with the infocommunication networks of
Romania, Ukraine and Turkey integrated into European countries similar
networks, also, in case of need with active fiber - optic submarine cable
routes in the Black Sea basin: ITUR, BSFOCS, KAFOS, as well as trans –
Eurasian information superhighway (TASIM). By Trans - Asia - Europe's
cable route through Georgia – Azerbaijan, via the shortest way and
sustainable network be afforded high level telephone traffic between
Europe, the Middle East and Central Asian countries, as well, direct
international connections will be established between the South
Caucasus, GUAM and European countries.
Regional Criteria
Existence of the mentioned Information Superhighway on the
regional level will bring member countries many advantages
and profit, reduce financial risks of investment sharing, will
give opportunities for regional synergy, etc.
Economic Criteria
• Poti - Constantsa (with a branch to Odessa), fiber - optic submarine cable
route projected estimated length is 1200 km, estimated cost U.S.$ 32 million
• Poti-Istanbul fiber optic cable route projected estimated length is
1 059 km and approximate cost - U.S.$ 29 million
• Maximum term of construction - 2 years
• Construction turnover term - 6-7years
Thank You For Attention