The Sniper


By Liam O’Flaherty

The Setting

March, 1922; Dublin, Ireland

 Ireland is in a civil war

 Free Staters vs. Republicans

 Four Courts, Dublin, Ireland

What is a sniper?

 A person who shoots another person from far away

He drinks a draught of whiskey from a flask.

Lighting the cigarette makes him very easy to see. Somebody shoots at him.

The sniper looks over the parapet to see who is shooting at him.

He hides behind the chimney and looks again for his enemy.

The armored car came.

The woman wearing a shawl points to where the sniper is.

He shoots the man in the turret of the armored car.

He shoots the woman who betrayed him.

The sniper is shot in the arm.

He put iodine on his wound.

The sniper gets an idea.

He stuck his cap on his rifle and slowly raised it above the parapet.

He pretends to die.

He drops his rifle off the roof into the street.

His enemy thinks he’s dead. The enemy stands and is silhouetted on the roof.

The sniper shoots his enemy dead.

He feels remorse for killing those people.

He goes to see the face of the enemy sniper. He sees that it is his brother.
