ITALIAN PASTA There are more than 100 kinds of pasta. There is short and long pasta, dry and fresh pasta and pasta with meat, cheese or vegetable inside. Every italian city has a typical recipe of pasta. PASTA AL PESTO From: Genova Ingredients: Basil Nuts Olive oil Cheese LASAGNA From: Reggio Emilia Ingredients: Meat Tomato Cheese TORTELLINI From: Bologna Ingredients: Meat or ham Vegetables Cheese AMATRICIANA From: Amatrice Ingredients: Bacon Pepper Tomato Cheese CARBONARA From: Rome Ingredients: Bacon Pepper Eggs Cheese SEAFOOD SPAGHETTI Ingredients: Garlic Seafood Tomato SICILY PESTO From: Sicily Ingredients: Basil Nuts Tomato TOMATO PASTA When italians have no much time to cook, they love eating tomato pasta, that is made with olive oil, tomato and basil. ITALIANS LOVE PASTA Every year every italian eat 28kg of pasta (34kg in south of Italy). In Venezuela, that is the second pasta-eating country in the world, every person eat 12 kg of pasta every year.