Great Victorian Inventions

Great Victorian Inventions
By Bethany and Maizie
Click on an invention to find out more
Sewing machine
Flush toilet
Sewing machine
Elias Howe was born
July 9th 1819 and died
October 3rd 1848.
How your invention has changed
over the years
The sewing machines have
changed over the years.
Nowadays all we have to
do is press a button and
move the fabric. In the 19th
century you have to pedal
or wind it around.
Sewing machines are very handy in
Victorian times because they could make
clothes for more people. If poor people had
sewing machines then they don’t have to
wear ragged clothes. If they have holes in
there clothes they can sew it up. The
invention of the sewing machine led to
clothes being made in factories.
Nowadays we have factories that
make clothes and sheets. But we
can still have them at home. It’s still
used for sewing up holes.
Flush toilet.
Thomas Crapper was born 28th September 1836 and
died 27th January 1910
The flushing toilet
It changed lives so when you went to the toilet it would
flush.Thomas crapper invented the flushing toilet.
Before the flush toilet was invented, the toilet was outside
and did not flush. It was disgusting to leave the waste
lying around the house or the garden. It would not smell
nice and caused diseases like cholera and typhoid.
How your invention has changed
over the years
When the flush toilet was
invented there wasn’t as
much diseases. The waste
was flushed away instead
of keeping it in the house.
Now we have toilets.
They flush like a
flush toilet but they
have sewage.
Internet link to find out more
about the inventor