The introduce of wild soybean

The study of wild soybean
Reporter: YongJuan Wang
The introduce of wild soybean
• Wild soybean (Gkycine soja) is the wild relative
species of cultivated soybean (Glycine max), and
its geographical distribution is only limited to the
middle and northern East Asia, including China,
Korea, Japan and Far-east Russia.
• Recent years, scientists in China have studied wild
soybean from different subjects, including ecology,
structural botany, physiology, seed chemistry,
plant protection, genetic and breeding, population
ecology, pollen structure, molecular biology and
soybean origination, evolution etc.
• We will invested the distribution, habits, seed
quality and physiological characters of wild
One. the distribution of wild soybean
Two. Habitats of wild soybean
Three. The seed quality of wild soybean in China
Four. physiological characters of wild soybean
One. Characteristics of geographical distribution of wild soybean and its
larger populations
Wild soybean was spread widely in China, except Qinghai,
Xinjiang and Hainan three province have not found the wild
soybean, other province has its footmark. northward to Huma
county in Heilongjiang province (53° N), southward to
Xiangzhou in Guangxi province (24°N) and Yingde in
Guangdong province (24°10` N ), east to Fuyuan county in
Heilongjiang province (134°20`E), otherwise Tibet is the
end to west.
In the vertical, 1,300 km height was the upper limit in
Northeast China, but in Tibet they were found below 2,250
km height. Meanwhile, the distribution of wild soybean is
influenced by topography and landforms, from the east of
Daxing`anling Mountain Range, Inner Mongolia Plateau,
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the
distribution of wild soybean was increased gradually.
The size of population is effected by environment oscillation
and human activities. The larger populations were found in
the river side or wetlands in Yangtze River, Yellow River
and Northeast China.
Two. Habitats of wild soybean
The environment factors that affect distribution and habitats
of wild soybean is complex. Its distribution pattern announced
that the key factors is temperature and Humidity, the Duration
of sunshine affect its growth period.
1.The effects of temperature
2.The effects of light
3.The effects of precipitation
4.The requirements to soil conditions
5.The growth period of wild soybean
1.The effects of temperature
Many aspects influenced by temperature.
Growth of wild soybean need the suitable
temperature conditions. The long term hot
climate is bad to wild soybean. The suitable
temperature is that the average temperature
is higher than 20 degrees, and the different
temperature between day and night should
not be large. Otherwise, studies showed the
place where the temperature of the warmest
month is less than 20 degrees or the average
monthly temperature is higher than 20
degrees more than six months can not find
wild soybean.
2.The effects of light
The effects of light to wild soybean is photoperiodism. The growth and developm
ent of plants adapt to the local illumination time, so the day duration differernce of
the first flowering between north and south of China is four hours,moreover the d
ay duration is range from 13 hours to 17 hours. The lower latitude of the later flow
ering. So the data of flowering will be more later when the plants are taken from s
outh to north.
3.The effects of precipitation
Precipitation is a key factor for wild soybean, moist soil is the
best condition for them, even in the long-time water condition,
the plants will be growth well with the help of associated plant.
But the place where less than 300 mm of rainfall can not find
wild soybean.
4.The requirements to soil conditions
The requirements to soil conditions are not strict when the precipitation
and temperature is suit for wild soybean. Research showed that under the
pH 9.18~9.23 of the soil in Gaixian, Liaoning province, the wild soybean
was growth well too.
5.The growth period of wild soybean
There are differences among the geographical plant populations, owing
to the climate variability. In China, the growth period of wild soybean is
shorter with latitude increasing, but the shorter is occurred in the growing
season, not in the flowering stage. For example, the plants in 50°N is
flowering after sixty days after emergence, but the plants in 25°N is after
170 days.
Three. The seed quality of wild soybean in China
Wild soybean as oil crops, the protein and fat content is an important indicator of
the evaluation of its quality. The study showed that: the protein content and amino
acid composition of wild soybean is higher than cultivated soybean, but the fat
content is relatively small.
1. protein content and amino acid composition of wild soybean.
2. fat content and fatty acid composition of wild soybean
1. protein content and amino acid composition of wild soybean.
The study of 6172 wild soybeans showed that: the highest protein content is
55.70%, mean content is 44.9%. Wild soybean protein content is generally
higher than cultivated soybean(42.15%). Jilin province is one of the highest
protein content area.
(1)Geographical distribution of protein content
Certain environmental conditions will be bred some plants with
related quality. Many studies have showed that: the protein content
of wild soybean have the obvious geographical distribution law.
Wild soybean protein contents have a significant difference in
latitude distribution. In position, wild soybean has two high-protein
regions: 30°~32°N and the area of 43°N. But at the same area,
higher altitudes of plant material protein content is lower than the
material of the low-lying areas. All in all, from south to north the
protein content changes trend as low – high – low – high. At the
same latitudes, from west to east has a decreasing trend and presents
the distribution of N-shaped.
(2)Relationships between protein contents and the main biological characters
• Studies have shown that: the protein content of wild soybean is high in which has a
low evolutional level and a typical wild shape.
• The seed coat colors of wild soybean have a certain impact on the protein content,
the protein content of the cyan kinds of skin is high, black followed by, two-color
and brown is the lowest.
• Protein content of purple flower wild soybean is higher than white flower plants.
protein content of brown hair wild soybean is higher than grey hair plant.
• The high temperature is conducive to the accumulation of protein, especially the late
period of protein formation and accumulation is easier affected by temperature.
(3)Amino acid composition of wild soybean
Soy protein contains many amino acids, and the balance on the amino
acid composition is better than other crops. But the studies showed that the
highest content is glutamic acid, the content of cysteine ​and methionine is
the lowest. So the lower content of sulfur-containing amino acids is the
limiting factor affecting the nutritional value of soybean.
2.Fat content and fatty acid composition of wild soybean
A study in 5200 wild soybean materials showed that: the fat
content ranges from 5.1% to 20.2%, the mean content is 10.6%,
moreover the wild soybean fat content is lower than the semi-wild
soybean(15.43%) and cultivated soybean(19.12%).
(1)Geographical distribution of fat content
• Wild soybean fat content are quit difference due to the location in
China. The trend of the fat content of wild soybean is higher in south
than in north, the relationship between fat content and latitude
showed a single summit, the high fat content zone distribute in the
latitude of 34 ° ~39 ° N, the lower content is distribute in 26 °
~28 ° N and 43 ° ~50°N.
• The extremely significant negative correlation between the wild
soybean fat content and longitude. From west to east, the fat content
reduced from 12.5% in 97 ° E to 7.7% in 134 ° E, among those,
the lower zone is mainly in Northeast China.
• High altitudes have the lower temperature, the larger temperature
difference between day and night, the stronger sunshine. All these
are conducive to the fat formation.
(2)Relationships between fat content and the main biological characters
• The fat content of wild soybean and hundred seed weight showed a
significant positive correlation, that is to say, the fat content increase with
hundred seed weight increasing.
• The wild soybean with light-colored seed coat, black hilum and obvious
main stem have a the high content of fat. This because the main stem is
conducive to the transportation and distribution of nutrients.
• The relationship between fat content and the mean temperature during the
growth of wild soybean is that the lower temperature conducive to
accumulation of fat. This is like in the colder area, the animal have a
greater volume.
(3)Fatty acid composition of wild soybean
• Wild soybean contains a variety of essential fatty acids, for example the
oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and so on. They are necessary to
synthesize phospholipid, form the cell structure, maintain normal tissue
• Wild soybean, semi-wild soybean and cultivated soybean is different in the
content of fatty acid. Low oleic acid content and high linolenic acid content
in wild soybean, but in contrast cultivated soybean.
• There is closely relationship between the ingredient of the soybean fatty
acids and the evolutionary of soybean. With the improvement in the level
of evolution, Oleic acid content increased, the linolenic acid content
Four. physiological characters of wild soybean
1. photosynthesis
Photosynthesis of wild soybean absorb sunlight
by photosynthetic pigment, and turn carbon dioxide
and water into organic matter, also release oxygen .
(1)photosynthetic rates of leaves of wild soybean
many researches showed that: compared photosynthetic rate of wild
soybean with cultivated soybean ,in vegetative stage wild soybean is higher
than cultivated soybean, but in reproductive stage is lower. Its rational in
the view of evolution, hundred-seed weight of wild soybean is only 3gram,
semi-wild soybean is about 5-10g, and cultivated soybean is even more
than 18g, so in reproductive stage the photosynthetic rate of wild soybean
is lower than cultivated soybean.
(2) characters of leaves and photosynthesis
①Chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate
chlorophyll content is related to photosynthetic rate, in a certain range,
the higher of chlorophyll content ,the stronger of photosynthetic rate.
Chlorophyll content of wild soybean is lower than cultivated soybean in
unit leaf square, but is higher in fresh weight of unit leaf. moreover, wild
soybean has more LHC, which makes it can use diffused light and weak
light to accumulate photosynthetic products. It explains that wild soybean
has the character of shade plant .
②Total nitrogen content of leaves and photosynthetic rate
Nitrogen is the base matter of photosynthesis protein, so it is closely
related to photosynthesis. In fruit stage, the total nitrogen content of leaves
is highest. when the nitrogen content declines, the photosynthetic rate
declines also.
③RuBP carboxylase activity and photosynthetic rate
RuBP carboxylase is a key enzyme in carbon cycle of photosynthesis of
C3 plant, its activities is a very important factor in photosynthetic rate.
RuBP carboxylase activity is higher in branch stage than fruit stage.
④Specific leaf weight and photosynthetic rate
Specific leaf weight means dry weight or fresh weight in unit leaf
square, it indicate the thickness and density . Specific leaf weight of wild
soybean has a declined trend from flowering stage to fruit stage.
(3)effects of external conditions on photosynthetic rates
①The effects of light
Light is the energy source of photosynthesis, with the increasing of light
intensity , the photosynthetic rate of wild soybean will increase. When the
light intensity increases to light saturation point, the photosynthetic rate
would not be increased. Meanwhile, the ingredient of light could affect
photosynthetic rate also, the photosynthetic rate is higher in red light than
blue light.
②The effects of temperature
Due to temperature could affect enzyme activity, so temperature could
produce a great effect on photosynthetic rate. in the low temperature,
enzymatic reaction will decline, further limit the photosynthesis. At a
certain range of temperature, with the increasing of temperature ,the rate of
enzymatic temperature will increase, the photosynthetic rate will relevant
increase. But in high temperature, the photosynthetic rate has a declined
trend, high temperature destroyed the structure of chlorophyll molecular
and cytoplasm, made the enzyme passivation. Otherwise, high temperature
could increase respiration ,so the apparent photosynthesis would decline.
2.Assimilation of nitrogen
(1)Nitrogen resources and assimilation system
Nitrogen sources of Wild soybean mainly have two: one is from soil,
another is from fixation of nodule bacteria. Accordingly ,there are two
nitrogen assimilation system, one pathway is root system of wild soybean
absorb ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen from soil, with the help of
nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase ,nitrate assimilation become
ammonia, then produce protein; another pathway is that the nodule bacteria
of wild soybean making nitrogen in the air become ammonia with the help
of dinitrogenase . Then produce amide ,amino acid and ureide, the nitrogen
of fixation mainly transport in the form of ureide.
(2) Assimilation of nitrate and ammonia
Nitrate is a form of inorganic nitrogen ,wild soybean absorb nitrate, then
produce ammonia, the process is:
In the cytoplasm, nitrate assimilation become nitrite with the help of
nitrate reductase, then become ammonia with the help of nitrite reductase.
The pathway of ammonia assimilation mainly is combined with glutamic
acid generating glutamine, then producing glutamic with the help of
glutamate synthase, finishing ammonia assimilation.
(3)Symbiotic nitrogen fixation
The nodule bacteria which is symbiotic with wild soybean make
nitrogen in the air becoming ammonia, Then produce amide ,amino acid
and ureide ,mainly transport in the form of ureide (allantoin and allantoic
acid) though xylem, then produce degradation product ammonia in the
xylem, access to the pathway of ammonia assimilation. The research
indicate that: the content of allantoin and allantoic acid are significant
difference in different organ, prior to the center of growing. In the period of
vegetative growth, the content of amide is high in caulicle and the upper of
stem; in the reproductive stage, the content of ureide is high in caulicle, the
upper of stem and floral organ. The content of ureide of wild soybean have
significant changes at different season. In the seed filling period, the
content of ureide have a peak, and after the seed filling period, the content
of ureide decline, because the activity of root nodule nitrogen fixation
declined and the ureide is used for producing protein.
Thanks for your attention!