
Wild Card Power Words
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
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Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
People for $100
This case overturned Plessy
V. Ferguson in 1954.
People for $100
What was Brown v. Board
of Education in Topeka
People for $200
He was a preacher from
Montgomery Alabama who was
the father of the Civil Rights
Movement. He led the March on
Washington. He was
assassinated in 1968.
People for $200
Who is Martin Luther King?
People for $300
He was the first African American to
Attend Ole Miss. This caused violent
People for $300
Who is James
People for $400
He was a civil rights leader that
opposed non-violent protest.
He stated an “eye for an eye.”
People for $400
Who was Malcolm X?
People for $500
He was the sheriff in Birmingham
AL where many violent protest
Occurred. This area was called
People for $500
Who was Bull
Events for $100
Rosa Parks refused to give up
Her seat to a white and this protest
Events for $100
What was the
Bus Boycott?
Events for $200
9 African American teenagers
Entered a high school in Arkansas and
Federal troops were sent.
Events for $200
What was the Little Rock 9?
Events for $300
250,000 marches assembled to hear MLK give the
“I have a Dream speech” at DC. This brought
attention for the need for civil rights.
Events for $300
What was the March on
Events for $400
In 1968 Martin Luther King and
Robert Kennedy were both
________ in 1968.
Events for $400
What was assassinated?
Events for $500
This act eliminated all voting barriers
In the south such as poll tax and
literacy test. This was signed by
Lyndon B. Johnson.
Events for $500
What was the Voting Rights
Act of 1965?
Domestic Affairs for $100
This election had John F. Kennedy and
Richard Nixon opposing each other.
This was the first time that a
Presidential debate was televised.
John. F. Kennedy won this election.
Domestic Affairs for $100
What was the election of 1960?
Domestic Affairs for $200
In 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald
Assassinated this man in November
in Dallas Texas. Oswald was
Arrested and later killed by Jack
Ruby. Who did Oswald kill?
Domestic Affairs for $200
Who was John F. Kennedy?
Domestic Affairs for $300
This was Lyndon Johnson’s plan to
Wipe out poverty. He started HUD
(housing and urban development)
The Elementary and Secondary
Education Act, Medicare and Medicaid.
DomesticAffairs for $300
What was the Great Society?
Domestic Affairs for $400
This was Lyndon Johnson’s
program to support at-risk children
to give them a “jump” where they
did not start school disadvantage.
Domestic Affairs for $400
What was the Head Start?
Domestic Affairs for $500
John F. Kennedy supported the space
Race. He wanted to put a man
on the…
Trade for $500
What is the moon?
Wild Card for $100
John. F. Kennedy, Lyndon B.
Johnson and Richard Nixon all
Focused on containing communism
in which country?
Wild Card for $100
What was Vietnam in SE Asia?
Wild Card for $200
The Vietnam War was called the
Five O’Clock war because….
Wild Card for $200
What was television coverage?
Wild Card for $300
This was the system that the USA
used to draft soldiers/implement
the Selective Service Act.
Wild Card for $300
Who was the lottery system?
Wild Card for $400
This amendment was passed to
Give 18 year olds the right to vote.
This was an outcry of soldiers who
Returned from Vietnam but were to
Young to vote.
Wild Card for $400
What was the
Wild Card for $500
This piece of legislation was passed
under Nixon. It limited the amount
of time that troops could be deployed
without war being declared. 60 and
Then returned if war is not declared
90 if hostility.
Wild Card for $500
What was the War
Powers Act?
Power Words for $100
The Vietcong used this route to supply
Ho Chi Minh’s troops.
When Nixon invaded this area riots
broke out at Kent
State and Jackson state.
Power Words for $100
What was the Ho Chi
Minh Trail?
Power Words for $200
The Viet Minh troops from North
Vietnam crossed this parallel and
invaded South Vietnam in an
effort to spread communism..
Power Words for $200
What was the DMZ or
38th parallel?
Power Words for $300
These were suicide missions
Where Japanese pilots flew into
Allied targets. The Japanese flew
More than 2000 suicide attacks.
These were used aggressively at the
Battle of Okinawa when the USA was
trying to drive Japan off the island.
Power Words for $300
What were kamikaze attacks?
Power Words for $400
This tactic was used by USA
to protect ships traveling in the
Atlantic Ocean. When the German
Aggressively sunk our ships
we protected
them by this method.
Power Words for $400
What was the convoy
Power Words for $500
Americans were forbidden to travel on ships
owned by nations at war.
The USA could not loan money to nations at war.
The USA would not carry supplies to nations
At war, there was a Cash-n-carry policy.
The USA could not sell weapons to countries at war.
Power Words for $500
What were the Neutrality
Acts of 1935-39?
Final Jeopardy
This author said, “This is a day that will live
in infamy.” He also said, “We have nothing to
Fear but fear itself.” He said “America was a
Great arsenal for democracy.”
Final Jeopardy Answer
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt?