PYTS 411– History of Venus

History of Venus
PTYS 411 Geology and Geophysics of the Solar System
Shane Byrne –
Background is from Pioneer Venus
PYTS 411– History of Venus
In this lecture
Venus today
Geologic record
Comparison to Earth
Venusian atmosphere
Water and magnetic fields
Volcanic resurfacing
Tectonic features
The lack of craters
Putting events in order
Resurfacing models
Surface history of Venus is only available from
~1.0 Ga onward (not dissimilar to Earth)
…as opposed to…
Surface activity on the Moon and Mercury
mostly died off about 3 Ga
Surface activity and history of Mars spans its
entire existence
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Comparisons to Earth
81.5% of the mass of the Earth
Slightly higher mean density (5230 kg m-3)
Formed in a similar location – 0.72 AU
Implies a similar bulk composition
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Atmosphere of Venus
Massive CO2 atmosphere with intense
greenhouse effect
93 bars,740 K at mean surface elevation
Altitude variations 45-110 bars, 650-755 K
No day/night or equator/pole temperature
3 distinct cloud-decks
Composed of sulfuric acid droplets
Produced by photo-oxidation of SO2
Effective scavenger of water vapor
Layers differ in particle size
Very reflective (albedo 70%) keeps surface much
cooler than it would otherwise be
100 ms-1 east-west at altitude of 65 km
Drives cloud layer around planet in ~4 days
Reasons for super-rotating atmosphere are
True surface (243 day - retrograde) rotation
period found with terrestrial radar.
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Earth has obvious topography
Venus has a unimodal
High continents
Low ocean floors
No spreading centers
No Subduction zones
No plate tectonics
How is this topography
PYTS 411– History of Venus
What went wrong?
Earth and Venus should be the same…
Venus absorbs roughly the same amount of
sunlight as the Earth.
Venus has roughly the same amount of carbon
as the Earth
Venus has no plate tectonics
Earth’s carbon get recycled through the crust
Venusian carbon accumulates in atmosphere –
regulated by ‘Urey reaction’?
CaCO3 + SiO2 = CaSiO3 + CO2
(calcite) + (silica) = (wollastonite)
log10PCO2 = 7.797 – 4456/T
Equilibrium gives 92 bars at 742 K
All these differences can be traced back to the lack of water on Venus
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Why didn’t this happen on the Earth ?
Earth has water that rains
Rain dissolves CO2 from the atmosphere
 Forms carbonic acid
This acidified rainwater weathers away rocks
Washes into the ocean and forms carbonate rocks
Carbonate rocks eventually recycled by plate tectonics
The rock-cycle keeps all this in balance
Sometimes this gets out of sync e.g. snowball Earth – stops weathering
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Venus started with plenty of water
Venus and Earth have the same amount of CO2
Temperatures were just a little too high to allow rainfall
Atmospheric CO2 didn’t dissolve and form carbonate rocks
Earth’s CO2 is locked up in carbonate rocks
Venus’s CO2 is still all in the atmosphere
Same for sulfur compounds produced by volcanoes
SO2 (sulfur dioxide) on Earth dissolves in the oceans
SO2 on Venus stays in the atmosphere and forms clouds of sulfuric acid
PYTS 411– History of Venus
What happened to the water?
Water & CO2 build up in the atmosphere
A very massive atmosphere
A very hot surface
No Magnetic field
Slow spin
Little core convection
H can thermally escape
Solar wind impinges directly on Venusian ionosphere
Ions can be easily stripped away
Deuterium to Hydrogen ratio: 0.024
Hot surface & thick lithosphere keep core hot
Water disassociated by sunlight
Large early impact?
Solar Tides?
150 times that of Earth
Indicates significant loss of hydrogen
Sun was 30% fainter in early solar system
Venus may once have been more Earth-like
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Only glimpse of the surface
Soviets had 4 successful Venera landings on
Onboard experiments found basaltic surface
Dark surface, albedo of 3-10%
Surface winds of ~ 0.3-1.0 m/s
Surface temperatures of 740 K
Landers lasted 45-60 minutes
Venera 14 – 13 S, 310 E – March 1982
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Spherical images can be unwraped into a low-res perspective view
Smooth-ish basaltic rock – low viscosity magmas
Venera 13
Baltis Vallis – 6800 km
Venera 9 – A Blockier Appearance
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Venera 14
Venera 10
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Venus rock composition
Sampled in only 7 locations by Soviet landers
Composition consistent with low-silica basalt
Exposed crust is <1 Gyr old though
Venera 14
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Interpretation of Radar Data
Surface of Venus has been imaged by radar
Pioneer Venus (late 1970’s)
Venera 15 and 16 (1980’s)
Magellan (1992 – 1994)
Backscatter and altimetry
98% coverage
Side-looking system
No shadows – observation at 0o phase
Light/Dark tones don’t correspond to
Strong radar return from:
Terrain that has roughness on the scale of the
radar wavelength
Large-scale slopes facing the spacecraft
High-altitude ‘shiny’ material
High return due to unusual dielectric constant
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Surface dominated by volcanic material
Plenty of tectonics but no plate tectonics
Over 80% of Venus made up by
Volcanic plains - 70% of surface, low-lying
9 Volcanic rises – Rift zones and major volcanoes, dynamically supported
5 Crustal plateaus – Dominated by Tesserae, isostatically compensated
Unusual lack of impact craters
Very young surface 0.5 – 1.0 Gyr
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Low-lying Plains
 Ridged plains
 Smooth Plains
 Crustal Plateaus
 Volcanic Rises
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Volcanism on Venus
Range of volcanic styles
Low viscosity plains volcanism  Shield volcanism  highly viscous features
Sinuous rills: Baltis Vallis – 6800 km
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Some viscous flow features may exist…
Pancake domes – Eistla region
South Deadman Flow – Long valley, CA
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Shield plains
Usually only a few 100 km across
Fields of gentle sloping volcanic
Crossed by wrinkle ridges
Shields usually constructed from
non-viscous lava
Some shields are steep implying
more evolved lava
Venera 8 lander probably sampled one of these areas
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Volcanic Plains
Ridged plains – 70 % Venusian surface
Emplaced over a few 10’s Myr
Deformed with wrinkle ridges (compressional
High-yield, non-viscous eruptions of basalt
1-2 km wide, 100-200 km long
Gentle slopes and smooth surfaces
Long run-out flows 100-200 km
Chemical analysis – Venera 9, 10, 13 & Vega 1, 2
Total volume of lavas close to 1-2 x 108 km3
Contain sinuous channels
2-5 km wide, 100’s km long
Baltis Vallis is 6800 km long, longest channel in the solar
Thermal erosion by lava
Smooth plains cover 10-15% of Venusian surface
Superposed on ridged plains
Not deformed by wrinkle ridges
Consist of overlapping flows with lobate
Sinuous rills: Baltis Vallis – 6800 km
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Emplacement of plains material followed by widespread compression
Solomon et al. (and some other papers) describe a climate-volcanismtectonism feedback mechanism
Resurfacing releases a lot of CO2 causing planet to warm up
Heating of surfaces causes thermal expansion resulting in compressive forces.
Explains pervasive wrinkle ridge formation on volcanic plains
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Morphologic term
Quasi-circular raised feature
Annulus of concentric fractures and ridges
Radially orientated fractures in their interiors
360 Coronae identified
Size ranges from 75 to 2000 Km
Interiors raised about 1km
Associated with large amounts of volcanism
Occurred in parallel with volcanic plains
Typical formation sequence:
Topographic uplift
Forming radial fractures
Withdrawal of magma
Topographic subsidence
Forming concentric fractures
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Crustal Plateaus
Volcanic Rises
Low-lying Plains
Ridged plains
Smooth Plains
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Volcanic Rises
Nine major volcanic rises
1000-2400km across
Rift zones
Lava flows
Large volcanic edifaces
Associated gravity anomalies
 Dynamically supported by a
mantle plume
 Young
Partly uplifted old plains
Superposed features are young
Usually dominated by:
Large shield volcanoes
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Extensional stress from volcanic rise uplift
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Crustal Plateaus
Steep-sided, flat-topped, quasi-circular
Dominated by Tesserae
Isostatically compensated
1000-3000km across, raised by 0.5-4km
Regions of complexly deformed material
Contain several episodes of both extension
and compression.
Extremely rough (bright) at radar
Origin of Tesserae
Current thinking leans toward mantle plume
Upwelling mantle plume causes extension
Crust thickens
Partial collapse when plume disappears
causes compression
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Almost 1000 impact craters on Venus
Very young surface
All craters at >3 Km
900 +/- 220 Ma
Volcanic plains have 2 units
Atmosphere stops smaller impacts
Craters 3-30 km in size have an irregular appearance
Craters >30 km in size appear sharp
Tesserae are the old features
Mean age 750 Myr
85% of the planets history is missing
Old plains 975 +/- 50 Ma
Young Plains 675 +/- 50 Ma
Volcanic rises have young features
Rifts and large isolated shields
Also contain older uplifted terrain
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Crater-less impacts
Impacting bodies can explode or be slowed in the atmosphere
Significant drag when the projectile encounters its own mass in
atmospheric gas: i.e. Di  3PS 2 g P i
Where Ps is the surface gas pressure, g is gravity and ρi is projectile density
If impact speed is reduced below elastic wave speed then there’s no
shockwave – projectile survives
Ram pressure from atmospheric shock
Pram  v 2  atmosphere
T  const. Pram  v
where H  kT
g ATM
If Pram exceeds the yield strength then projectile fragments
If fragments drift apart enough then they develop their own
shockfronts – fragments separate explosively
Weak bodies at high velocities (comets) are susceptible
Tunguska event on Earth
Crater-less ‘powder burns’ on venus
Crater clusters on Mars
v 2 PS  z H
Pz  
PYTS 411– History of Venus
‘Powder burns’ on Venus
Crater clusters on Mars
Atmospheric breakup allows clusters to form here
 Screened out on Earth and Venus
 No breakup on Moon or Mercury
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Distribution of craters
Appears completely random
Some plains units may be older
Simulations taking in account atmospheric
screening give ages of 700-800 Myr
26,000 impactors > 1011 kg to produce 940
 Atmosphere is very effective at blocking impacts
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Catastrophic resurfacing?
Low crater population
Catastrophic resurfacing
Continual resurfacing (like Earth)
Craters are indistinguishable from a random distribution
~80% of craters are pristine
Others have superposed tectonics or volcanic material
Heloise crater – 38 km
Balch crater – 40 km
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Catastrophic resurfacing?
One timeline…
Tesserae form first
 Most craters on them are removed by tectonics
Extensive Plains volcanism
 Resurfaces most of the planet
Global compression creates ridged
Additional volcanism makes smooth
Back to extension
 Volcanic rises
 Rifts
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Not so catastrophic resurfacing?
One timeline…
Volcanic rises and plains form
 Focused mantle plumes for rises
 Diffuse upwelling for plains volcanism
Volcanic rises evolve in Tesserae
Transition to thick lithosphere
New volcanic rises can no longer
evolve into tesserae
 Lack of transitional features means this
occurred quite fast
 Extension allows for coronae and rifts
Plains volcanism shuts off
PYTS 411– History of Venus
The future for Venus
Can a thick lid break?
Lack of water is a problem
Thermal energy builds in the mantle
Transient subduction?
Happened in the past?
Venusian Geological Periods
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Comparison to Earth
Almost the same mass and bulk composition
 Only 2 Mars-masses apart (+/- 1 giant impact)
Probably the same water budget
 Asthenosphere likely in early history
Basalt to eclogite transition is deeper on Venus (65 km)
 This could inhibit the initiation of plate tectonics
 Provides more time to outgas CO2 and initiate runaway greenhouse
 Water outgassed and destroyed over geologic time
PYTS 411– History of Venus
Venus is like the Earth in a lot of ways
Size, density, composition, orbit
A runaway greenhouse atmosphere has vaporized all the water
Lack of a magnetic field means that the water is easily removable
No water in the mantle means no plate-tectonics or carbon cycle
So the atmosphere had a profound effect on surface processes
Volcanic (low-viscosity basalt) plains dominate the surface
Lengthy sinuous rills
Ridged plains smooth plains, and shield plains
Pancake domes might indicate some silica-rich volcanism
5 main crustal plateaus
Contain extensively fractured tesserae
High standing remnants, perhaps once supported by mantle plumes
9 main volcanic rises
Currently supported by a mantle plume
Extension creates rifts
Coronae are interpreted as collapsed upwellings
Cratering record indicate a very young surface
Lack of degraded craters has been interpreted as a catastrophic resurfacing < 1Ga …OR…
…surface geology can also be interpreted in terms of more gradual processes
With a transition to a thick lithosphere within the past Gyr