


An investigative study on stealth technology.

What is it?

• RADAR to detect position of objects.

• Counter measures 1. ECM ( e.g. chaff cartridges) 2. Non ECM

• Avoiding detection and innovating deception .

• RCS reductions, acoustics, thermal and other EM emissions


• F 117

• B-2 Bomber

• F-22 Raptor( From YF 23 Platform)

• SR-71 Black bird

• HMS Helsingborg

How is it achieved.

• Absorbs radar waves or deflects to other directions.

• Minimizes heat and other emissions from engine and other spots.

• Makes difficult to detect except closely.

Vehicle shape and structure

• Smooth edges maximum radio wave reflectors.

• The size of a target's image on radar is measured by RCS (σ )

• For a square flat plate of 1m 2 area, σ=13982 m 2 at 10 Ghz

Vehicle structure (contd..)

• Mainly plan form alignment.

• The leading edges of wing and tail surfaces set at same angles.

Vehicle structure (contd..)

• Use of re-entrant triangles behind skin.

• Distinctive serrations used in external airframes.

• Propulsion subsystem shaping.

• Now in research is fluidic nozzles for thrust vectoring.

Radar Absorbing Materials


• RAMs often as paints used to absorb RADAR signals.

• Iron ball paint, ferrite in polymer matrix used.

• The cockpit canopy coated with thin layer of indium tin oxide .

RAMs (contd..)

• Small cell foams painted or loaded with absorbing ink.


• R- Card

• Absorbing honeycomb

• Transparent RAM

Other fields

• Reducing RCS alone not enough.

• More difficulty is reducing the IR signature.

• Interest is near IR region.

(shorter than 10 µm)

IR Emission

• Major IR emission sources.

1. Tailpipe region

2. Turbojets have EGT’s of 1000 o C

3. Exhaust gas plume

4. Hot engine parts

5. Aircraft skin (frictional heating)

6. Reflected and reemitted sunlight.

IR Reduction

• Using surface paints

• Non circular tail pipe

• Emissions from hot parts screened by airframe.

• The plume mixed with cool air.

IR Reduction (contd…)

• IR best transmitted 2.5, 4 and

10 micron bands.

• IR outside window absorbed by



• Passive IR target acquisition systems more used.

Electromagnetic emissions

• EM emissions other than IR .

• The greatest source is RADAR itself.

• Shutting down RADAR a solution having negative effects.

• Radio /radar altimeters and Doppler navigation systems.

EM emissions (contd…)

• Use of inertial navigation , laser or millimetric wave system

• Other EM emissions

1. Radio communication

2. ECM exploited (passive listening)

3. Composite materials radiating switching transients

• Passive sensors (LPI radar in F-22 ), LOS communication, inertial navigation are used.


• Most important for submarine & ground vehicles.

• Rubber mountings, AIP system, slow turning propellers etc.

Visibilit y

• Matte paint, gray paint in disruptive schemes , yehudi lights ( active camouflage).

How to counter.

• Background of stealth craft than craft shall be searched for.

• High flying aircraft with SLAR, FLIR etc are used.

• Same method advantageously used using satellite.

Stealth counter (contd….)

• Uninterrupted radio waves from stars mapped.

• Failure or fainter image suggests probability of stealthy craft.

• Advantages of using lethal SAM’s and remain undetected.

• Low frequency radar nullifies stealth from shape.

Stealth counter (contd….)

• Disadvantages of LFR

1. Wavelength unavailability

2. Inaccuracy

3. Size

• 1. Bistatic radars and

2. Using reflections from civilian radio transmitters.

gives better detection.


• Stealth technology developed a lot.

• Investment needed is very high.

• High chance of low cost gain.

• A lot learned about signature reduction and absorption.

• Useful for other projects.

• Success yet to be proved extensively.

For the time spared
