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Newcastle Fit for Cycling
The Cycle City Ambition Fund
Newcastle fit for Cycling
A £9M programme
- £5.7M from Cycle City Ambition Fund
- £2.4M from Newcastle City Council
- £20k from the private sector
- £775k from public health
- £180k from Sustrans
- Plus an additional £700k from Capital funding
and £900K from LTP over three years
Six workstreams
1. Strategic cycle routes and transformation
of the urban core
2. DIY Streets
3. Retail shared space schemes
4. Active Travel Centre
5. Community outreach projects in
Change4Life East and West areas
6. Monitoring and review
Strategic cycle routes network
Routes being tackled under CCAF
Urban core
• Cycle lanes at Central Gateway
• A two-way cycle path on John Dobson Street
• Pocket parks on Pilgrim Street in advance of the
East Pilgrim Street developments
• A cycle path coming down Great North Road
straight into the city centre
• Contra-flow cycling on some one-way streets
• A replacement for the Camden Street bridge
DIY Streets areas
Supported by Sustrans funding from the
Big Lottery for DIY Streets around
- North and South Jesmond
- North and South Heaton
- Ouseburn
- Fenham
Retail shared space
Shields Road
Adelaide Centre
Stanhope Street
Acorn Road
Active Travel Centre
A partnership between Sustrans, The
Cycle Hub, Recyke y’Bike and
Newcastle City Council
• A “One stop shop” for the promotion of cycling and active travel for
the CCAF and beyond.
• Emphasis on complementing and not undermining existing services
in Newcastle
• Analyzing the precise demands for particular services in the City
• A sustainable, long term fixture of the city (10 years plus) that brings
together local organisations
Community outreach
Working through established Change4Life
networks on the theme of ‘A Little Further’
- Getting sedentary people walking
- getting walkers cycling
- Working with already established local
organisations and schemes
Monitoring and review
Sustrans is developing a Bike Account programme
with 7 LAs including Newcastle support which
will lead to sustainable change in how cities
monitor, evaluate and report cycling.
Parameters and targets will be agreed with the 7
LAs with a view to rolling this out nationally.
It will cover all cycling activities, not just CCAF.
The Bike Account
The Copenhagen Bicycle Account includes information relating to the
following topics:
What Copenhagen’s cyclists thought was done well and what
could be improved.
How Copenhagen is doing compared to its key targets.
Key cycling figures (cycled km, cycled km between serious
casualties, cycling speed, cycle tracks, cycle lanes, maintenance,
cycle parking spaces on roads and pavements).
Integration of cycling and public transport.
The relationship between cyclists’ sense of safety, their actual
safety and their behaviour.
The impact of initiatives over the last two years.
The benefits of cycling
Beyond CCAF
CCAF is the start of a ten year
More funding will be coming.
The future might be on two wheels….