4th Prefix Suffix Jeopardy

Grade Jeopardy
& Endings
of Prefixes
of Suffixes
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question Prefix
The prefix pre- adds the
meaning __________ to a word.
a. before
b. under
c. again
d. not
$100 Answer
What is meaning of the prefix
Pre-? “before”
$200 Question Prefix
The prefix anti- adds the meaning
__________ to a word.
a. before
b. under
c. against
d. not
$200 Answer
What is meaning of the
prefix anti-? “against”
$300 Question Prefix
The prefix ex- adds the meaning
__________ to a word.
a. in
b. out
c. chosen
d. not
$300 Answer
What is meaning of the
prefix ex-? “out”
$400 Question Prefix
Knowing the meaning of the prefix
dis- helps the reader know that
“disagree” is
a. to agree with
b. to like
c. to not agree with
d. to not like
$400 Answer
What is the meaning of the
“to not agree with”
$500 Question Prefix
Knowing the meaning of the prefix
under- helps the reader know that
“underfoot” is
a. on my feet
b. under the feet
c. between my feet
d. around my feet
$500 Answer
What is the meaning of the
“under the feet”
$100 Question Prefix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the prefix
non- helps the reader know that
“nonreader” is
a. someone who likes to read
b. reader
c. a book person
d. a person who cannot read
$100 Answer
What is the meaning of the
“a person who cannot read”
$200 Question Prefix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the prefix
anti- helps the reader know that
“antifreeze” is
a. freezing cold
b. keeps from freezing
c. Ice Tea
d. very cold
$200 Answer
What is the meaning of the
“keeps from freezing”
$300 Question Prefix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the prefix
ex- helps the reader know that
“exhale” is
a. to breathe out
b. keep from breathing
c. ice ball from the sky
d. pay tribute
$300 Answer
What is the meaning of the
“to breathe out”
$400 Question Prefix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the prefix
dis- helps the reader know that
“dislike” is
a. like
b. pleased with
c. feeling of not liking
d. happy
$400 Answer
What is the meaning of dislike?
“feeling of not liking”
$500 Question Prefix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the prefix
under- helps the reader know that
“underwater” is
a. drinking water from a glass
b. swimming
c. in water
d. below the surface of the water
$500 Answer
What is the meaning of
“below the surface of the
$100 Question Suffix
“made of, or to make of” wood
$100 Answer
What is the meaning of
the suffix in wood-en?
$200 Question Suffix
“full of” help
$200 Answer
What is the meaning of the
suffix in help-ful?
$300 Question Suffix
“without” mind
$300 Answer
What is the meaning of
$400 Question Suffix
“act of, result” content
$400 Answer
What is the meaning of
$500 Question Suffix
“state of” careless
$500 Answer
What is the meaning of
$100 Question Suffix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the suffix
-ful helps the reader know that
“beauti-ful” is
a. pleasing
b. full of candy
c. distasteful
d. full of beauty
$100 Answer
What is “full of” beauty?
$200 Question Suffix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the suffix
-ness helps the reader know that
“useless-ness” is
a. state of useless
b. state of Kansas
c. not knowing the answer
d. A parrot
$200 Answer
What is the “state of” useless?
$300 Question Suffix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the suffix
-ment helps the reader know that
“movement” is
a. moving slowly
b. cannot move
c. act of moving
d. movelessness
$300 Answer
What is the “act of” moving?
$400 Question Suffix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the suffix
-less helps the reader know that
“worthless” is
a. very valuable
b. worthy
c. million dollars
d. without worth
$400 Answer
What is the “without” worth?
$500 Question Suffix Meaning
Knowing the meaning of the suffix
-en helps the reader know that
“frozen” is
a. to make froze
b. snow
c. island
d. a popsicle
$500 Answer
What is to “made of or make”
$100 Question
A word part that comes
before the root word.
$100 Answer
What is a prefix?
$200 Question
A word part that comes
behind the root word.
$200 Answer
What is a suffix?
$300 Question
Prefixes and suffixes do this to
$300 Answer
What is change the
meaning of the word?
$400 Question
I like to read ______(not fiction)
$400 Answer from H5
What is nonfiction?
$500 Question
I was __________(without care)
when I jumped on my bed.
$500 Answer from H5
What is careless?
Final Jeopardy
Prefix used to describe the
following polygon.
Final Jeopardy Answer
What is tri-?