VT Rental Subsidy Program - Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition

Vermont Rental Subsidy Program
How we got here and where we
are going!
Governor’s Summit on Housing the
Homeless June 7, 2011
6 proposals from work groups
VT state subsidy program
Increasing Permanent Housing Options
Security Deposit/Risk Pool
Access: Barriers to Housing
Specialized Housing Options
AHS Housing Policy
Vermont Rental Subsidy
Identify a VIABLE subsidy option
for homeless families and
individuals with extremely low
• An average subsidy of $6,400 per year could
stabilize a very low-income household for one
year = 84 days in a motel!
• Household pays 30% of income toward housing
(rent & utilities)
• Housing Review Team in every AHS Region
• DCF ESD administers the program
• State wide list based upon highest need
• Case management is a required program
• Inspections for habitability
• Relationship with the landlord
• Upon successful completion of the subsidy
program, the client is given preference for
section eight housing voucher
• Many will actually obtain Family
Reunification voucher or Section Eight with
in the first year!
• Client builds rental history and reference
from landlord, possibly even a credit
• Must be currently homeless ~ HUD definition
• Must have applied for all other housing
subsidies, FUV, Housing Authority etc…
• Cannot be receiving any other voucher or
• Must not have voluntarily given up a housing
subsidy/voucher or lost a subsidy/voucher due to
no longer being a tenant in good standing
• Must be in compliance with RU or GA/EA,
sanctions resolved
• Use the checklist
• Only completed
applications will be
• Must be reviewed by local
housing review team and
signed off on by field
services director
• Must have ESD review
for accuracy prior to
sending to CO
• Scan and email to
Chris Dalley
• Fax to Chris Dalley
• Snail mail to Chris
30 % of income goes to housing
• Must apply for all other housing programs
• Must apply for section 8 AFTER subsidy is
granted to get preference
• Must be ELIGIBLE for Section 8, this precludes:
• individuals subject to lifetime registration under
a state sex offender registration program
• individuals convicted of the manufacture or
production of methamphetamine in federally
assisted housing.
• Budget must be sustainable
• Income must be greater than expenses!
• Exception example=Tax return in bank to
offset expenses monthly
• Explore ways to make sustainable
• Example pay rent every two weeks rather
than monthly if Landlord is agreeable
Criteria for Prioritizing Subsidies
• Only one box in each category:
Household type, Household size, Housing
situation, and Income sources
• Cannot change the form-please do not fill
in more information
• No additional information needed on formit will only prolong the process!
Client must sign
Reach Up case manager must sign OR
Voc Rehab worker must sign
If long term SSI recipient still must have
Voc Rehab look at to determine if there is
anyway to increase income
• Field Services Director must sign
(representing housing review team)
Applications must be complete!
• Must be legible
• Must include landlords name, address,
phone number, etc.
• Lease must include dates, amounts,
signatures of both client and landlord
• Legal binding contract
Chris is not a Private Investigator!
Family Unit Size
as defined by VSHA 5-II.B.
• Standards that determine the number of
bedrooms needed for families of different sizes
and compositions
• Subsidy standards must provide the smallest
number of bedrooms needed to house a family
with out overcrowding
• In joint custody cases, we only consider larger
rental unit size if the applicant has 50% physical
custody of the children
• Applications where it is stated that they will have
the child/ren returning if they receive housing, we
cannot figure the children into the rental unit size
until they are physically back in the household
• A family that consists of a pregnant woman (with
no other persons) must be treated as a two
person family
• Any live-in aide (approved to reside in the unit to
care for a family member who is disabled or is at
least 50 years of age) must be counted in
determining the family unit size
VRS will reference the following chart
in determining number of bedrooms
Subsidy Size
1 Bedroom
2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom
4 Bedroom
5 Bedroom
Persons in Household
Maximum Allowable Rent
• Includes utilities (Heat, Hot Water and
• IF any utilities are not included you must
back them out of the maximum rate listed
• We have negotiated with Landlords to
include utilities or reduce the rent in some
• Be sure to sign up for seasonal fuel!
MUST have Tentative Approval Grant Letter
• Cliff Bergh at VSHA (802)828-0427
• Call Cliff with name and number of tenant, name and
number of landlord, the address of the unit and the
number of children under 6 in the household
• At the same time, email same info to: cliff@vsha.org
• Cliff will pass on the info to the appropriate Field Rep
who will contact the landlord, conduct the inspection and
notify the landlord of the result via email
• If the unit failed the landlord will contact the referring
agency when the work is done, IF /she chooses to do the
repairs, and the above process is repeated
Case Management
Must continue the entire time on subsidy
Report to HRT progress and needs
Relationship with landlord
Point of contact with landlord
Walk through apartment at least monthly
Check in with landlord monthly
Be creative in resourcing case
Lease and Shelter Expense Report
• Must have lease/lease addendum and
shelter expense completed
• Must be legible
• Must be signed by both tenant and
• Is a legally binding contract
• Housing Support Worker must sign lease
• Tenant’s share is on Grant Letter!
Reporting Changes
• If client is approved for any other subsidy
• If client is evicted
• If client is charged with criminal offense
that precludes section 8 eligibility
• Client’s income increases/decreases
• RU or SSI status changes
• Any other lack of compliance
• Address Changes
Chris Dalley
Scanning to email is preferred:
AHS – ESD – VRS inside AHS
AHS – ESD – VRS@state.vt.us outside AHS
Fax: 802-769-2186
Snail Mail: Chris Dalley
Economic Services Division
Administrative Services Unit
A Building, 2nd Floor
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05671-1201
• kristin.prior@state.vt.us
• 802-527-5438