WWI Effects and results of the First World War

Effects and results of the First World
9/11 & 9/12
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Agenda :
1) Effects and results of the First World War Notes
2) Review
What were the main long term causes
of WWI?
 Militarism
 Alliances
 Nationalism
 Imperialism
 Industrial Revolution
 Growing Populations
 Empire Expansion
What were the main short term causes
of WWI?
 Bosnian Crisis
 Balkan Wars
 Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
 Imperial Rivalry in Morocco
 July Crisis / Mobilizaton
What was the nature of the war from
1914- 1918?
 Schlieffen Plan
 Encirclement
 Invasion of Belgium
 Characteristics of war – technology / trench warfare / no
mans land / stalemate /
 Battle of Somme
 Generals using tactics that were outdated
For what reasons did the US get
involved in WWI?
 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
 Sinking of the Lusitania May 4 1915 – boat war carrying 4000
cases of ammunition
 Zimmerman Telegram
 Russian Revolution
Why did Germany fail in WWI?
 Turkey (Ottoman Empire) defeated by Britain
 Austria defeated by Italy
 Allied naval blockade
 Arrival of American troops and equipment
 German high command lost confidence
 Woodrow Wilson offers peace plan
What impact did the war have in
provoking resistance and revolution?
 David Lloyd George taking over in Britain
 Russian Revolution
 Russian troops leaving the front lines
 German navy refusing to take orders at the end of the war
 French ability and willingness to fight in WWII due to heavy
Effects & Results of the First World War
 Millions of people died resulting in a dramatic effect on the
nations involved and the people left behind
Political boundaries changed
Emergence of extreme right and left wing regimes
Social changes – attitude in women
Attitude toward humanity
What political and territorial changes
resulted from the First World War
 Germany saw abdication of the Kaiser in Nov. 1918 =
establishment of first lasting republican democracy in
Russia experienced two revolutions = first communist state
which would be led by Trotsky and Lenin and last until 1991
Austro – Hungarian Empire fell apart
French Republic survived by faced instability
British Empire survived but faced growing nationalism in its
Europe Pre & Post WWI
What major changes do these maps show?
Do you think the territorial changes shown here were good for
European stability?
Winners and Losers
 Countries with support of
the victorious powers
gained independence
 Poland
 Czechoslovakia
 New states of Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia, &
Finland were freed from
Russian control
 Southern slavs got a
federation, dominated by
Serbia called Yugoslavia
 Turkey lost lands to Arabia
 Italy gained some lands but
not all
 Austria & Hungary became
independent of one another
 Germany lost land in the
east and Alsace & Lorraine
 Japan only found itself able
to rule new territories it
had gained in China
 Economic
 Agriculture
 Trading routes were
 After war world needed to
dislocated by war with its
 Severe inflation – rise in
 Loss of men meant a
shortage of labour
get back to a peacetime
 Agriculture had produced so
much worldwide during the
war but was not needed after
the war leaving a gap
 Industry – heavy industry
(steel production) at a peak
during war…not needed after
the war leading to high
Social Changes
 Women
 More women were needed
for the workplace to keep
up production levels
 Women gained confidence
with greater participation
in the national effort
 War brought freedom and
mobility for women
 Idea of a fairer society
 Russian communism,
Chinese Marxism, Nazi
nationalism, and Italian
fascism belief in a
corporate state in which all
classes and sectors of the
economy work together