AP World History: Periodization Practice

AP World History: Periodization Practice
NAME: _____________________________
1. Place the following time periods in chronological order. Identify the years of each period.
Early Modern
Global Interaction
Industrial Age
Twentieth Century
Western Hegemony
2. Match each major event, development, or political reign to the time period where it
belongs. Place an (A) for ancient, (C) for classical, (PC) for postclassical, (GI) for global
interaction, (WH) for western hegemony, and (20th) for the 20th century.
_____ Abbasid
_____ Apartheid
_____ Aztecs
_____ Bantu migrations
_____ Black Death
_____ Bolshevik Revolution
_____ Boxer Rebellion
_____ Buddhism, birth & spread
_____ Byzantium
_____ Charlemagne
_____ Christianity, birth & spread to W Eur
_____ Christianity, split of E & W
_____ Colonization of Africa & India
_____ Columbian exchange
_____ Confucianism, birth
_____ Crusades
_____ Cuban Revolution
_____ Decolonization
_____ Deng Xiaoping
_____ Enlightenment
_____ European exploration of oceans
_____ Fascism
_____ French Revolution
_____ Greek city-states
_____ Gupta
_____ Han
_____ Hinduism, birth
_____ Ice age
_____ Incas
_____ Industrialization
_____ Islam, birth & spread
_____ Israel, creation of
_____ Japanese borrowing from China
_____ Japanese feudalism
_____ Japanese unification
_____ Judaism, birth
_____ Judaism, diaspora
_____ Kilwa & E Af city-states, rise of
_____ Latin American independence
_____ Mali empire
_____ Manorialism in W. Eur
_____ Mao Zedong
_____ Meiji Restoration
_____ Ming
_____ Mongol expansion
_____ Mughal
_____ Nelson Mandela
_____ Neo-confucianism, rise of
_____ Neolithic revolution
_____ Opium Wars
_____ Ottoman empire, rise in Constantinople
_____ Ottoman empire, Westernization
_____ Panama Canal
_____ Protestant Reformation
_____ Qin
_____ Qing
_____ Renaissance
_____ Roman empire
_____ Russian civ (Kievan –Rus), rise of
_____ Russian emancipation of serfs
_____ Russian empire, rise of
_____ Russian empire, Westernization of military
_____ Russo-Japanese War
_____ Safavid
_____ Scientific Revolution
_____ Silk Road established
_____ Slave Trade, Atlantic
_____ Song
_____ Suez Canal
_____ Sui
_____ Sumerians
_____ Tang
_____ Three-field system, invention
_____ Tokugawa Shogunate
_____ Umayyad
_____ Zhenghe explorations
_____ Zhou
_____ Zulu