Review 1st Nine Weeks

4th Grade Social Studies Review
HPES 2011-2012
1st Nine Weeks
What was the name of the period that described how
the early people migrated from Asia to Americas?
A. The Glacier Age
B. The Ice Age
C. The Prehistoric Age
D. The Beringia Age
What is one theory about how early people migrated
from Asia to Americas?
A. They walked across a land bridge.
B. They came with Columbus.
C. To show the people of Beringia the way to
North America.
D. To get away from wooly mammoths.
Bases on historians, which theory caused the land
A. Early people created roads
B. Glaciers combined and flattened out to create
C. Glaciers caused water level in ocean to drop and
exposed land created a long land bridge.
D. The low tide of the Pacific Ocean created
What Native American group relied heavily on the
buffalo for most of their needs?
A. Great Basin
B. Eastern Woodlands
C. Plains
D. Pacific Northwest
Which Native American group used totem poles to
identify clans and tell stories?
A. Southwest
B. Eastern Woodlands
C. Plains
D. Pacific Northwest
Which Native American group grew vegetables such
as corn, beans, and squash?
A. Southwest
B. Eastern Woodlands
C. Plains
D. Pacific Northwest
How were lodges and teepees different?
A. A lodge is for many people and a teepee is only
for one person
B. A lodge is used for women and children and a
teepee is for men
C. A lodge is made from buffalo hide and a teepee
is made from wood
D. A lodge is a permanent building and a teepee is
made from animal hides and can be moved
How were a potlatch and a totem pole similar?
A. Both were a way to show wealth
B. Both were considered gifts from parents
C. Both were ceremonies in which people asked for
D. Both were ceremonies in which people were
healed from sickness
Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Native Americans developed ways of living based on
their environments.
B. The Southwest Desert Native American used
irrigation to grow corn and other crops.
C. The Great Plains Native Americans often used
disguises to approach buffalo hers without being
D. The Eastern Woodlands Native Americans attended
ceremonial dances to bring rain to the region.
_____________lived in the eastern part of North
America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi
River, including the Great Lakes region.
They used the forest resources, hunted for animals,
created the moccasins, live in longhouses, and grew
_______________lived on the Great Plains of
central North America from north of what is today
the Canadian border to present-day southern Texas.
_________________lived in the region that
included what is today Arizona, New Mexico, parts
of Colorado, and Utah.
___________Native Americans lived in the region
that extended along the Pacific coast from what is
today southern Alaska to northern California.
Followed a hunting and farming life, always traveling,
settled along river, lived in lodges and teepees, made
baskets, used horses like money.
Used canoes, made carvings, hunted seal, fishermen
and hunters, lived in log houses.
Used an irrigation system, grew corn, beans, and
squash, men were weavers, women weaved and
made baskets, lived in pueblos.
Rain dances, snake dances, and kachinas.
Men governed villages and women owned properties.
Potlatch, totem poles, shamans, dancing ceremonies,
sought power through dreams, had birth and death
The ____________ Native Americans had a deep
connection to animals, and gave thanks at harvest
time. The members of the Great Council made all
the rules.
The ____________region is extremely arid. This
region is located between the Rocky and Sierra
mountains. One unique characteristic of this region
is that all of the water flows to streams and rivers.
There is no water outlet to the sea.
Hunters and gatherers, ground acorns into flour to
make mush, ate nuts and berries, women and
children trapped small animals, women mostly
prepared food, in summer lived in dome-shaped
o Shamans
o Had ceremonies honoring pine nuts.
o Each family had a headman by consensus.
Which of the following was not a technological
factor that led to exploration?
A. The invention of the compass
B. The skill of cartography producing better maps
for explorers
C. Spain becoming the most powerful nation and
England wanting some of their power
D. The invention of the astrolabe
Which of the following is a political factor that
encouraged exploration?
A. Christopher Columbus wanted to run for President
of Spain
B. England and Spain wanted to overtake the
Netherlands by sending explorers to their country
C. Ferdinand Magellan not completing his trip around
the world
D. Spain becoming the most powerful nation and
English Monarchs wanting their nation to be the
most powerful
Which of the following is an economic factor that
encouraged exploration?
A. Christopher Columbus wrecking his ship and
needing to borrow more money from Spain
B. England wanting to become the most dominant
C. Spain finding all the gold and silver, therefore
becoming the most dominant country
D. Europeans wanting to have more goods from
the Far East, but not wanting to have to deal
with merchants
Merchants sold the goods they brought back from
the Far East to the Europeans. They sold them for a
higher price. What is this called?
A. Trading
B. Bartering
C. Profit
D. exploration
Who discovered the Mississippi River?
A. Hernando de Soto
B. John Cabot
C. Robert LaSalle
D. Henry Hudson
Which explorer explored for both England and the
A. Hernando de Soto
B. Henry Hudson
C. John Cabot
D. Robert LaSalle
Which explorer was known as a conquistador?
A. Hernando de Soto
B. Henry Hudson
C. John Cabot
D. Robert LaSalle
Who was the first explorer to discover North
A. Erick the Red
B. Christopher Columbus
C. Leif Eriksson
D. John Cabot
What did John Cabot and Henry Hudson have in
A. They only explored for one country.
B. They were both looking for the Northwest
C. They both disliked Spanish Explorers.
D. Robert LaSalle was their long-lost cousin.
Christopher Columbus was actually looking for the
Far East but he found which continent instead?
A. North America
B. Asia
C. Europe
D. Australia
In what year did Christopher Columbus find this
A. 1400
B. 1492
C. 1792
D. 1992
There were ___________, ___________, and
_________ factors that led to the exploration of
the new world by Spain, Portugal, France, the
Netherlands, and England.
List examples of these factors that led to the
exploration of the New World.
o Had Pow Pows
o groom’s father wove robes for bride and bride’s
family wove baskets for groom
o has ceremonies
o has no written language