Animals of North America

Dear Parents and Visitors,
Welcome to our presentation! During science we
investigated animals, their unique characteristics,
habitats, and life cycles. At the conclusion of this
unit, we used our science knowledge to write animal
riddles. Our project had many steps: science research,
writing, editing, typing, selecting photographs,
recording our reading, and completing the power point.
We wish you good luck in guessing the answers to our
riddles. Enjoy!
Miss Combs’ Second Grade Class
Riddles by
Ms. Combs’ Second Grade Class
April, 2013
I am a mammal because I have
fur and I am warm-blooded. I live
all over North America. I am a
herbivore because I eat tree
bark. I have a big body, little legs
and a big flat tail. I build a lodge
and dam with my tail. Who am I?
By Dylan Ballew
I am an amphibian. I have smooth,
wet skin. I lay jelly eggs in a pond.
I am green and I am camouflaged
in my pond. I jump and swim in
ponds. I stick my tongue out and
eat flies. Who am I?
By Herbert Barnhill
I am a small mammal because I
am covered with tan and brown
fur. I live everywhere in the
forests of North America. I am a
herbivore because I eat nuts and
acorns. I have a big, fluffy tail. I
live high in hollow trees. Who am
by Alexis Campos
I am a mammal. I have black fur
and I am warm-blooded. I am an
omnivore because I eat fish, small
animals, berries, and grass. I have
sharp teeth and big claws. I make my
shelter in a cave. I hibernate in the
winter. I am big and fat. My babies
are called cubs. Who am I?
By Jacob Cogdell
I am a big, gray mammal. I am
covered with little hairs and I am
warm-blooded. I live in the ocean.
I am a carnivore because I eat
squid, fish, and shrimp. I have no
legs. I have flippers and a tail to
swim. Who am I?
By Deanna Dmitrienko
I am a bird so I am covered
with feathers. I am a bird of
prey. I am a carnivore because I
eat small animals and fish. I have
white feathers on the top of my
head and on my tail. I have a
great wingspan. I am the United
States’ bird. Who am I?
By Caroline Garner
I am one of the littlest mammals
in North America. I have fur and I
am warm-blooded. I am a vertebrate
because I have a backbone. I have
live babies because I am a mammal. I
am a herbivore because I eat twigs,
fruit, and bark. I use my 30,000
sharp quills to protect myself from
my enemies. Who am I?
By Marco Gonzalez
I am an amphibian because I have
smooth, wet skin that’s red. I breath
with gills when I am a baby and lungs
when I am an adult. I lay jelly eggs. I
live in North America under rocks
near water. I have a tail and short
legs. I am flat. I am quiet. Who am I?
By Elijah Graham
I am a big mammal. I am
covered with white fur and I live
in the Arctic. I have big claws and
sharp teeth to eat seals, so I am
a carnivore. I can swim in the
ocean. I have good camouflage in
the ice and snow. I have blubber
to keep me warm. Who am I?
By Morgan Hart
I am a little mammal and I
have brown fur. I am a herbivore
because I eat ground plants. I
build an underground burrow with
many rooms. I live on the prairie
and I bark like a dog when an
enemy is near. That is how I got
my name. Who am I?
by Chedan Harvley
I am a mammal because I am
covered with red fur. I live in
the forests in North America. I
am an omnivore because I eat
rabbits, birds, blueberries, and
apples. I have four paws and a
red, fluffy tail. Who am I?
By Landen Henry
I am a mammal because I have
thick, brown fur. I live in the cold
mountains and forests. I hunt for my
food. I am a carnivore because I eat
other animals. I have black spots for
camouflage and four soft paws to
sneak up on my prey. I have a short
tail and tufts of black fur sticking
up on my ears. Who am I?
By Kelsie Hutchins.
I am a mammal because I am
covered with white fur. I live in
the Arctic. I am a herbivore
because I eat plants. I have big
ears, and long legs. I can hop very
fast. My fur is brown in the
summer and white in the winter
for good camouflage. Who am I?
By Daniel Ionov
I am an insect because I have an
exoskeleton. I am a carnivore because
I eat other insects. I am always
hungry. I am green and long and skinny
like a leaf so I have good camouflage. I
have a big egg sack with hundreds of
babies inside. I hold my front legs up
so I look like I am praying. That’s how
I got my name. Who am I?
By Brock Johnson
I am a mammal. I have my babies in a
den. I give milk to my babies. I have
yellowish-brown fur. I am an omnivore
because I eat nuts, berries, large
insects, rodents, sheep, deer and
grasshoppers. I pounce on my prey. I
have special feet called paws that can
run fast. I am not as big as a wolf. I have
sharp teeth and sharp claws. Sometimes
I howl in the night. Who am I?
By Jeremiah Kitchens
I am a little reptile because I am
covered with scales. I live on land.
I live in South Carolina in people’s
backyards. I dig a hole and lay
leathery eggs in it. I can open and
close my shell like a box to protect
myself from enemies. Who am I?
By Jay Laughter
I am a reptile that is covered
with brown scales. I live in the
warm oceans. I live around the
world. I am an omnivore because I
eat plants and jellyfish. I have a
big shell and flippers to swim
underwater. Who am I?
By Justus Link
I am a small mammal because
I have gray fur. I am warmblooded. I am an omnivore
because I eat plants and animals.
I live in North America and South
America. My babies stay safe in
my pouch. I can hang by my tail
from a tree branch. Who am I?
By Kristen Lowe
I am an insect so I have an
exoskeleton. I live all over the
world except in Antarctica. I am
cold blooded. I lay eggs in a hive.
I make honey from pollen I find in
flowers. I have a stinger to sting
my enemies or even little kids.
Who am I?
By Brianna Simmons
I am a reptile because I am
covered with green scales. I am
cold-blooded. I live all over North
America. I have good camouflage.
I eat worms and spiders so I am a
carnivore. I have a long backbone
and no legs. I am the same color as
the lettuce in a garden. Who am I?
By Hope Simpson
I am a mammal because I have
fur. I live in the forest in hollow
trees. I am an omnivore because I
eat fish, frogs, fruits, and plants.
My paws look like little hands and I
look like I have a black mask on my
face. Who am I?
By Cheyenne Stacey
I am a small mammal because I
am covered with fur. I live in
North America. I am an omnivore
because I eat meat, insects, and
plants. I am black and white. I
have a big tail that has a white
stripe going down it. I spray stinky
stuff if I am scared. Who am I?
By Haylin Tapp
I am a fish because I breath with gills
and I am covered with scales. I live in all
the oceans. I have good camouflage
because I am gray like the sand in the sea.
I am cold–blooded. I don’t have bones, my
body is made out of cartilage. I am a
predator. I have very sharp teeth because
I need to rip my prey. I eat everything
that swims in the sea. I can smell blood in
the ocean from very far away. Who am I?
By Seth Vassey
I am a bird because I am
covered with feathers. I am
warm-blooded and I lay hard
shelled eggs. I build nests in
trees. I am an herbivore because
I eat seeds. I live in people’s
backyards. I am red all over. Who
am I?
By Caleb Waldrop
I am a bird so I’m covered with
many colored feathers. I am warmblooded. I live in North America in
forests and meadows with lots of
flowers. I am the smallest bird. I
have the smallest nest. I eat nectar
and pollen. I have a long beak to stick
in flowers. I am the only bird that can
fly backwards. Who am I?
By Elizabeth White
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