Competition Between the Hudson’s Bay Company & The Northwest Company The Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) The North West Company (NWC) The Main Push for the Trade Women of the Fur Trade Tools of the Trade Founded in 1670 A charter was granted by King Charles II This charter provided the company with a monopoly over the trade A monopoly over the watershed of all rivers and streams flowing into the Hudson Bay Profitable trade with the Cree and Assiniboine - acted as the middlemen Scottish and American traders from Montreal Picked up where the French had left off (7 Years War) Following old trade routes and even re-occupying abandoned French Forts Employed experienced French Canadian, Metis, and Iroquois canoeists Pushed past HBC’s claims-expanded into the Arctic and as far as the Pacific A new era for fur trading-daring dashing and often violent Eventually established the first transcontinental economic system in Canadian History Fur Fabric of a Nation-Youtube Beaver Fashion - Hats Between the 17th & 19 centuries *Book Caption* Firearms Ammunition Metal goods Cloth Blankets Tobacco Alcohol *Book Caption* Usually First Nations women “Country Wives” Strengthened ties btwn relatives and other First Nation groups Language /interpreter - good for negotiations Knowledge of the territory Wilderness survival techniques Making toboggans, snowshoes, canoes Food preparation, particularly pemmican Preparation of hides and making of moccasins Medicine *Book Caption* HBC’s policy was made by a committee in London, England It was declared that women and children would cause needless expense During the 1700s, the company forbade men to marry Many who managed the company outposts disregarded the rules Some practiced polygamy Until the 1780s, only high-ranking personnel entered into marital relationships The NWC’s policy was not like the HBC’s Voyageurs with permission could marry The practice was seen as assurance that the fur traders would stay in the territory and be more successful First Nations taught Europeans how to travel on the rough land and in the cold climate Canoes Snowshoes Dog sleds *Kutenai Model* 10-12 metres in length-can carry upwards of 4 tonnes of cargo NFB-Voyageurs film