7-9 - Kierstead`s St. Andrew`s Web Page

Chapter 8-9
“Lord of the Flies”
Prior to the test:
 Define the following terms on a piece of lined paper.
Use your “Mastery Word List”.
Review Ch. 8
 Chapter 8: Background Information:
 “Lord of the Flies” is an almost literal transliteration
of the Hebrew “Beelzebub,” a biblical demon,
sometimes referred to as the devil. This demonic
figure had command over disease as flies congregate
around the corpses of the dead and spread disease
from the dead to the living.
 1. Why did Jack leave the assembly in tears and run away into
the forest alone?
Jack left the assembly for the forest in order to make
a strong statement of his own position and to show his
antagonism toward Ralph.
2. Why did Piggy decide that a fire should be built near the
bathing pool rather than on the mountain?
Piggy decided that the fire should be near the bathing
pool because he did not want the fire to be near the
3. When did it become clear to Ralph that the boys on the
island had definitely split into two separate camps? Who were
the members of each group? What were the values of each?
When the fire diminished, Ralph realized that some
of the boys had run off to Jack, Maurice, Bill and
 4. Why did Jack and his followers save the sow’s head?
 They saved the sow’s head as an offering or a gift of
appeasement to the beast.
5. Who recognized the Sow’s head as the “Lord of the Flies”? What
profound knowledge did he receive as he hallucinated in the
presence of the head?
Simon recognized the Sow’s head on a stick as the “Lord of
the Flies”. He imagined that it represented all that was evil
and irrational within himself and all of the boys.
6. Why was Ralph concerned about keeping a fire? Why do you think
Jack and his followers did not care about keeping their own fire?
Ralph wanted to be rescued, Jack and his followers did
not want to be rescued.
7. What advantage did Jack gain over Ralph because of the paint on
his face?
The paint on his face was like a mask that permitted Jack to
act daringly without self-consciousness or shame.
 Literary Devices:
 I. Irony—Why is it ironic that bright flowers and
butterflies appear at the scene where the sow is
 II. Symbolism—What was the symbolic significance
of Jack’s raid on Ralph’s camp in order to obtain
Chapter 9/10
Study Guide
Simon Ch. 9
 1. When he regained consciousness after his fit, what
knowledge did Simon feel compelled to reveal to the
boys? Why did he feel this was critical to them?
 Having been the only one to view the “beast” close
up, Simon felt compelled to tell the boys the true
nature of the creature that was the object of their
Jack Vs Ralph
 2. How did Jack and his followers respond to the
rain? What was Ralph’s concern? What more did this
reveal about the difference between Jack and Ralph?
 In response to the rain, Jack’s followers danced and
chanted. Ralph was more concerned with caring for
the shelters.
 Jack – Savage
 Ralph- Civilized
Chapter 10
 3. Why was Ralph particularly frightened by Simon’s
death? Why did all of the boys except Ralph push the
knowledge of Simon’s death out of their conscious
 Ralph was frightened by the knowledge of his own
barbarism. The nature of Simon’s death was too
brutal and guilt-provoking for the boys to face.
 4. Why did Ralph fear that his tribe could not
 Ralph feared that his remaining tribe of four—
himself, Piggy, and the twins—would not be able to
keep the fire going and therefore would not be
rescued, which he equated with survival.
 5. What caused Roger to contemplate “the
possibilities of irresponsible authority”?
 Wilfred’s irrational punishment provoked Roger to
realize that the tribe had given Jack license for
uncontrolled violence.
 6. Why was Jack still defending his stronghold
against the beast?
 Jack still defended his stronghold against the beast
because he understood that his band would remain
united only against a common enemy.
 7. Why did Jack and two of his tribe attack Ralph’s
encampment? Why were they successful?
 Jack and two of his tribe attacked Ralph’s
encampment because they wanted Piggy’s glasses as
a tool to start fires. Their attack was successful
because of their superior strength.
Literary Devices:
 I. Personification—What is being personified in the
following passage?
 Power lay in the brown swell of his [Jack’s] forearms:
authority sat on his shoulder and chattered in his ear
like an ape.
 II. Irony—What was the irony of the situation
commented upon after Simon was beaten to death?
 Even in the rain they could see how small a beast it
was; . . .
Pathetic fallacy
 Pathetic fallacy… It's when a writer uses elements
of the natural world (weather, nature, animals, and
so on) to reflect what happens in the book.
 After Simon's death, as the storm clears, there's an
unusual section at the end of the chapter in which
the weather clears and nature seems to almost
reabsorb Simon.
 “Towards midnight the rain ceased and the clouds
drifted away, so that the sky was scattered once more
with the incredible lamps of stars”
Chapter 11
Study Guide
Ch. 11
 LORD OF THE FLIES: Chapter 11
 Questions:
 1. Compare this time when Ralph blew the conch to call an
assembly with the first time he called an assembly on the
 1. Both times, the birds responded to the sound of the
conch. But at that first assembly, all the boys responded to
the conch and Ralph and Piggy were optimistic about the
 Now they were only four boys and a couple of stray littluns
in response to the conch and Ralph and Piggy were both
pessimistic as the fire had been stolen and Piggy was unable
to see, only able to move with assistance.
 2. Why did Piggy want to take the conch with him
when he visited Jack’s encampment?
 2. Piggy wanted to take the conch with him because
he still believed it was a symbol of power and
authority. This was denied when it was described as
“fragile and white.”
 3. Why did Piggy think he might be successful when
he asked for his glasses back from Jack? How did
this show another way that Piggy lacked vision?
 3. Piggy thought he would be successful because he
would not challenge Jack’s physical power, but
would appeal to his sense of right and wrong. In a
figurative sense, this showed that Piggy was shortsighted, unable to see Jack for the barbarian he
really was.
 4. Why did Ralph visit Jack and his boys on their
side of the island? How did he get sidetracked from
his original purpose?
 4. Ralph came to Jack’s side of the island for Piggy’s
glasses and fire. He was side-tracked by a physical
confrontation with Jack.
 5. What do you think Ralph’s retreat from Jack and
his boys at their camp revealed about the character
of the former chief ?
Questions for Discussion:
 1. Do you think there was any way that Ralph and Piggy might
have wrested fire and Piggy’s glasses successfully from Jack?
Or should they have accepted it as a lost cause?
2. What quality did Ralph exhibit that made Sam and Eric
doubt his leadership abilities?
3. Do you think there was anything that Piggy might have said
to Jack’s boys when he gained their silence with the conch
that would have persuaded them to accept reason? How did
he lose their support?
4. Why do you think it was Roger, and not Jack, who
unleashed the rock that caused the fatal blow to Piggy?
5. What do you think Ralph’s retreat from Jack and his boys
at their camp revealed about the character of the former chief
Literary Devices:
 I. Symbolism—What did the
breaking of the conch and Piggy’s
death symbolize?
 II. Irony—What was ironic about
Ralph’s question to Jack and his
boys when he asked,
 “Don’t you understand”?
Chapter 12
Study Guide
Lord of the Flies: Ch. 12
 1. Why hadn’t Jack and his boys pursued Ralph?
 1. Jack and his boys did not pursue Ralph because
they seemed terrified of going into the dark forest
and preferred to return to the safety of Castle Rock.
 2. When did Ralph know it was hopeless to think he
could ever win back the boys, or even start a small
outlaw band?
 2. Ralph knew it was hopeless to start a new band
once Sam and Eric joined the savages, Piggy died,
and the conch was smashed.
 3. Why did Ralph lash out at the pig’s skull when he
encountered it in the forest?
 3. Ralph succumbed to superstitious fear and
lashed out at the skull in the forest. He continued to
fear its gaze even after he had severed it into two
 4. What did Sam and Eric mean when they answered
Ralph’s questions by saying, “Roger sharpened a
stick at both ends”?
 4. Sam and Eric were suggesting that Ralph was
going to be killed like the pig and that his head would
be stuck on the spear.
 5. In what ways did Ralph become as savage as Jack
and his followers?
 5. It is clear that Ralph became as savage as Jack
and his followers by his dirty, unkempt appearance,
his desire for meat, and his engagement in rough
physical combat.
 6. Why did Ralph now condemn the fire that Jack’s
boys set on the island?
 6. Although Ralph had encouraged Jack to maintain
a fire, he now condemned the fire that was set to
smoke him out, but would also devastate the island
burning edible vegetation and possibly killing pigs.
 7. Why was the British officer puzzled by the
condition of the boys he found on the island?
 7. The British officer, knowing that these boys had
been brought up in an orderly society, was puzzled to
find boys who had obviously become savages on their
 8. Why did Ralph sob as he and the remaining boys
were being rescued?
 8. Ralph sobbed as he and the boys were being
rescued because he realized he had lost his
optimism, understood the evil nature of humanity,
and regretted the loss of Piggy whose wisdom and
friendship he had never appreciated.
Questions for Discussion:
 1. Why do you think Ralph was unable to grasp the
serious danger he was in at the hands of Jack and the
 2. Why do you think Jack felt compelled to kill
 3. In your opinion, should the boys have been
rescued at the end of the book?
 4. Do you think this book provided a comment on the
way boys would behave on their own without adult
supervision, or was it a comment on human nature,
or both?
Literary Devices:
 I. Deus ex Machina—A deus ex machina is any
improbable device used to resolve the difficulties of a
plot. In Greek drama, it was the intervention of a god
who resolved the entanglements of the play. The
literal meaning is “god from a machine,” referring to
the stage apparatus from which the actor would fly
into the set. How was the officer’s arrival in the last
chapter of Lord of the Flies a parody of this classical
 II. Irony—Why was it ironic that Jack used fire to
capture Ralph?
Test #4
 Deus ex machina
 Pathetic fallacy
 Allegory
 Ego/ID
 Symbols
 Beelzebub