N.B The English text is an unofficial translation and in case of any discrepancies between the Swedish text and the English translation, the Swedish text shall prevail. FULLMAKT/PROXY Härmed befullmäktigas nedanstående ombud att rösta för undertecknad aktieägares samtliga aktier i Flexenclosure AB (publ), organisationsnummer 556708-2028, vid den extra bolagsstämman den 18 november 2014. The proxy holder named below is hereby authorized to vote for all the shares in Flexenclosure AB (publ), company registration number 556708-2028, owned by the shareholder named below at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 18th November 2014. Uppgifter om ombudet/Information on the proxy holder Ombudets namn/Proxy holder´s name Person- alternativt organisationsnummer/Personal identification number or company registration number Telefon/Telephone number Postadress/Address Postnummer och postort/Postcode and city Uppgifter om aktieägaren samt underskrift/Information on the shareholder together with the signature of the shareholder Aktieägarens namn/Name of the shareholder Person- alternativt organisationsnummer/Personal identification number or company registration number Telefon/Telephone number Postadress/Address Postnummer och postort/Postcode and city Ort och datum/Place and date Namnteckning Signature För de fall aktieägaren är en juridisk person skall fullmaktsformuläret vara undertecknat av behöriga firmatecknare. Vidare ska aktuella behörighetshandlingar (t.ex. registreringsbevis) biläggas formuläret. If the shareholder is a legal entity this proxy shall be signed by persons authorized to represent the legal entity. Furthermore, relevant documents evidencing proof of authority (such as certificate of registration or a similar document) shall be attached to the proxy.