
Day 1
A row of stores are a familiar sight in American towns and cities.
To American teenagers shopping for jeans and sneakers is a common-place
Agreement of subject and verb
Elimination of hyphen in closed compound adjective
Use of comma after introductory prepositional phrase
Day 1
A row of stores is a familiar sight in American towns and cities.
Agreement of subject and verb
To American teenagers, shopping for jeans and sneakers is a commonplace
Use of comma after introductory prepositional phrase
Elimination of hyphen in closed compound adjective
Day 2
Americans like to shop a lot dont’ they?
Even Bob, who we know hates malls, goes shopping at least once in a while.
Correct pronoun case
Correct use of apostrophe in contraction
Use of comma to set off a tag question
Day 2
Americans like to shop a lot, don’t they?
Use of comma to set off tag question
Correct use of apostrophe in contraction
Even Bob, whom we know hates malls, goes shopping at least once in a while.
Correct pronoun case
Day 3
No the American way of shopping is not common around the world.
In fact many people shopping in specialty stores or open-air markets.
Use of comma after introductory phrase
Correction of sentence fragment
Use of comma after mild interjection
Day 3
No, the American way of shopping is not common around the world.
Use of comma after mild interjection
In fact, many people go shopping in specialty stores or open-air markets.
Correction of sentence fragment
Use of comma after introductory phrase
Day 4
We bought a bird that we call Tweetie at a caribbean market.
The market also sold cakes, candy, and other sweets, earrings, rings, and other
jewelry, and clothing.
Use of semicolon in a series containing commas
Correction of misplaced phrase
Capitalization of proper adjective
Day 4
At a Caribbean market, we bought a bird that we call Tweetie.
Capitalization of proper adjective
Correction of misplaced phrase
The market also sold cakes, candy, and other sweets; earrings, rings, and other
jewelry; and clothing.
Use of semicolons in a series containing commas
Day 5
In many other countries, buyers go from store to store to find the most finest
While walking through the Moroccan city of Marrakech, an entire street lined
with brass jewelry displays was seen by us.
Correction of dangling modifier
Use of active voice to improve style
Elimination of double comparison
Day 5
In many other countries, buyers go from store to store to find the finest
Elimination of double comparison
While walking through the Moroccan city of Marrakech, we saw an entire
street lined with brass jewelry displays.
Correction of dangling modifier
Use of active voice to improve style