St Jerome Catholic School Advisory Council Meeting #2 - November 5, 2007 Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM 1. Bruno Iannicca - Trustee Ward 7 Council welcomed Mr. Iannicca and gave him the floor. Mr. Iannicca started by stressing his commitment to literacy and presented St Jerome with 2 copies of the latest Harry Potter book. Mr. Iannicca then spoke about the report from the DPCDSB regarding the new allocation of funding. He stated that the school board will be assessing the individual needs of each school with regards to more funding. Mr. Iannicca pointed out the need for Vice Principals in Secondary Schools. Mr. Iannicca concluded by promising to keep our council and the school informed about all thing that happen at the board level. Next, Mr. Iannicca gave his support to the new appointees in the Boardand the Ministry. He said he believes good change is coming. Mr. Iannicca wanted to stress that newspaper reports of school closings were incorrect. He wanted to reassure the council that many meeting are held before a school is closed. Mr. Iannicca reminded everyone that board budget meetings are open to the public and encourages all parents to attend. Mr. Iannicca pointed out that our boards EQAO scores are still rising, and have been since 1998. He also noted that our boards scores are greater than the provincial average. Mr. Iannicca wanted to make note of a few dates. October 10 was the election for CSAC. November 7 being the Faith Day for all staff, including a mass with Archbishop Collins. November 20 will be the meeting with the MP and MPP’s at the Board. Mr. Iannicca brought up the issue of Holy Name of Mary. He wanted to state that parental concerns had been heard and considered by the board. Unfortunately,the lease for the current site expires on August 31 2008and a move is required. Mr. Iannicca stated that the board considered 2 campuses, 1 in Brampton and 1 in Streetsville, and decided that the Glenvale campus in Brampton was a better choice as it is property owned by the board making it a permanent solution. The school will remain all-girls and will maintain the name Holy Name of Mary. All the current staff will be moving to the new school. Transportation will still be paid by the parents. The council then had the opportunity to ask Mr. Iannicca a few questions. First the council was concerned about the possiblity of St Jerome being rebuilt. Mr. Iannicca said that we are off the list of possible schools. Also, the board will be rebuilding Loyola. Mr. Iannicca voted against this rebuild. Next the council was concerned about french programs not starting until grade 4. Mr. Iannicca stated that french was part of the curriculum when the funding was there for it. The Board is very concerned with finding the money to implement things before actually going ahead with projects. The board does not want another year like 2006/2007. When asked about kindergarten, Mr. Iannicca said that while alternate full day kindergarten would have saved over a million in bussing, the board will be following the province on the issue of 5 day/ full day kindergarten. Lastly Anna thanked Mr. Iannicca for his help with board approval for our AC units, and mentioned that we may require his help again in trying to get AC for the gym. BREAK 2. Approval of minutes of October 2 2007 meeting. Typo on page 2; total profit from pizza day should read $4,834.61. Lidia DiTiello not on council list. Motion by Augusta Campana Carried by Concensus 3. Treasurer Report Deferred until next meeting as no one present. 4. CCCSC and OAPCE. Attention to the unapproved minutes from the September 20 2007 meeting of CCCSC. Reminded of Executive Member training on November 24 2007. Please make sure to inform Brenda if you are going. At the first meeting of CCCSC Anna Gulbinski was elected the alternate chair for South Mississauga. 5. Principals Report. Brenda reminded us the new Associate director for the board will not be starting until 2008 when his term with TCDSB ends. New funding for school boards may mean improvements to our school but she has yet to be advised. Brenda touched on the issue of Holy Name of Mary being moved to Brampton. New information packages will be available. Kiss-N-Ride is going well, however more volunteers are needed. Of note was the new speed limit signs and the no parking sign. It was suggested that Brenda might make a strong presence and help people to remember the rules. Thanks to the All-Star Reading volunteers, namely Mrs Borg and Mrs Barta for books. Congratulations to the Grade 1's for doing a fantastic job in leading this month’s virtue. Three students from St Jerome went to the Mayor’s youth advisory Committee summit. The students had the opportunity to give the Mayor their opinions. All had a great time and learned a lot. Sports are going well this year. The intermediates have had great success with the Huron park courses. The Junior swimming program continues and the children are currently learning CPR. Cross country is going well with one of our grade 5 students placing 2nd at the board level. Intermediate volleyball is on, with the juniors to start soon. Intermediate Boys basketball is a success and they have a chance at the finals, with the reward of a Raptors game at the Rogers Centre. The milk program is up and running with good success. The PALS program has begun and 52 students are being trained on how to teach and facilitate games and activities to the younger grades during recess time. Training will be completed November 6 2007. Christmas baskets for needy families will be done this year in conjunction with Peel Health. Also the Thanksgiving food drive was a success with a 1000 pieces collected. Tulips were planted this fall. Thanks to all who sent in bulbs. Rosary Apostates will continue to work in the school 1 Tuesday a month, with the same workers coming every time. January 10 2008 we are fortunate to have Craig Kielburger’s Millennium in Motion tour coming to do a presentation at our school for the grades 4-8. The idea behind the Tour is to get kids thinking about ways they can volunteer and make a difference. After the presentation, 20 children will take part in a focus group for further discussion. Thanks to a grade 5 parent for donating this program to our school. Up coming dates: Remembrance Day celebration will be held November 12 2007, November 7 and 19 are PD days, First Reconciliation is November 8, Confirmation Rite of evolvement preparations on November 17, 18, 24 and 25 with the retreat being on November 30, Grade 4 enrichment screening November 14-16, Lunch Moms program to begin on November 26, See/Hear screening November 26 and 27, April 23-25 will be the muskoka trip, Report card out on December 4 with interviews on December 6 and 7, and the School Advent Family Mass will be on December 12 at St martin of Tours. 6. Fundraising. Mrs Barta has a connection with Scholastic Canada and can get all occasion cards for fundraising. 24 cards in a box the initial cost is $5.00 per box. To be discussed further in the New Year. Discussed poinsettias and wreaths for the holidays. A 30% markup on poinsettias is suggested, and wreaths net $3-$6 each. Decided to leave it to next year. Looking at Maple Lodge meats, with similar products to other companies. Profit is $3 per box, but products are frozen and storage is an issue. Decided that chocolates are the most profitable and the easiest to handle. QSP fundraising sold $15,935 in subscriptions, down a little from last year. Actual school profits yet to be determined; usually about 35%. Reward prizes are coming and the icecream party for top sellers in each calss will be held. Reminder that year round sales through QSP also net the school money, while not counting toward a prize total for a child. Pizza Day continues. Lunch Moms starting on November 26. School will try it for a couple of weeks then revisit the need. The school gets $0.25 for every meal ordered. School BBQ to be discussed in January. Another Fundraising meeting will be needed in January for further discussion. 7. Allocation of Funds. Standing commitments need to be updated, the treasurer is needed to refine the amounts. Graduation Medallion cost may change. Brenda has been discussing with the teachers on needs of their classes. Some items were more gym equipment, help with the literacy room and an increase in the base cost per child. A formal list will be given to the council. Miscellaneous. The council would like to look into air conditioning for the gym. Discussion included having to get a tender from the Board, being able to purchase the unit separately then have the board install it and the possible need to have separate fundraising to cover the increasing costs. 8. 9. Discussion ended with the need for more information and possibly quotes from companies. Concern over the lack of formal library time given to grades 4-8. Brenda explained that once children are in grade 4 they are allowed to go to the library during free time and that the Librarian is meant to be part of the teaching team, assisting the children with projects and in-class needs. Toonie Tuesday begins this week. Discussion on the possibility of a St Jerome Family Talent night. Possibly in conjunction with the BBQ. Also the possibility of a karaoke instead. Thanks to Brenda for her superb work on the Web site and the School newsletter. Reminder to email Brenda and Anna with agenda items. Next Meeting. Set for Tuesday January 15 2008. Adjourned at 9:30pm.