Sentences - Bristol VA Public Schools

Day 1
When sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion and theory of gravitation were published
in 1687, it had a profound effect on intellectual life.
With thrilling suddeness, Newton’s work seemed to reveal the underlying orde
and harmony of nature’s laws.
Correct spelling: addition of suffix -ness
Pronoun agreement with antecedent
Capitalization of title before person’s name
Day 1
When Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion and theory of gravitation were
published in 1687, they had a profound effect on intellectual life.
Capitalization of title before person’s name
Pronoun agreement with antecedent
With thrilling suddenness, Newton’s work seemed to reveal the underlying
order and harmony of nature’s laws.
Correct spelling: addition of suffix -ness
Day 2
A new age the Enlightenment was dawning in Europe, and science and reason
they were its major themes.
New discoveries in astronomy, physics, and chemistry led to one conclusion
humankind would soon perfect their knowledge of the world.
Use of commas to set off appositive
Pronoun agreement with antecedent
Use of colon to introduce a clarifying idea
Elimination of double subject
Day 2
A new age, the Enlightenment, was dawning in Europe, and science
and reason were its major themes.
Use of commas to set off appositive
Elimination of double subject
New discoveries in astronomy, physics, and chemistry led to one conclusion:
humankind would soon perfect its knowledge of the world.
Use of colon to introduce a clarifying idea
Pronoun agreement with antecedent
Day 3
Economics were another field that enlightenment thinkers thought should be
as rational as pure science.
Evidence of the laws that controlled all human activity is what they looked for
Revision of sentence ending with a preposition
Capitalization of historical period
Subject and verb agreement
Day 3
Economics was another field that Enlightenment thinkers thought should be
as rational as pure science.
Subject and verb agreement
Capitalization of historical period
They looked for evidence of the laws that controlled all human activity.
Revision of sentence ending with a preposition
Day 4
Inventors and investors were encouraged by a growing confidence in human
abilities. They designed and builded new technologies.
Put to work in this way the ideas of the Enlightenment gave rise to the
industrial revolution in England.
Use of comma after introductory participial phrase
Correct formation of irregular verb tense
Capitalization of name of historical event
Use of participial phrase to combine sentences
Day 4
Encouraged by a growing confidence in human abilities, inventors and
investors designed and built new technologies.
Use of participial phrase to combine sentences
Correct formation of irregular verb tense
Put to work in this way, the ideas of the Enlightenment gave rise to the
Industrial Revolution in England.
Use of comma after introductory participial phrase
Capitalization of name of historical event
Day 5
In their search for harmony, Enlightenment poets emulated classical Greece and
Rome writings.
You also sense that they satirized the forces that seemed to often stand in the
way of reason and progress.
Elimination of you without a clear antecedent
Elimination of split infinitive
Use of proper adjectives
Day 5
In their search for harmony, Enlightenment poets emulated classical Greek
and Roman writings.
Use of proper adjectives
Readers also sense that they satirized the forces that often seemed to stand in
the way of reason and progress.
Elimination of you without a clear antecedent
Elimination of split infinitive