MediTech NUI

MediTech NUI:
New User Interface
Online Training
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
This completes the
training – Thanks!
Questions: call helpdesk 954-3485
Please click to complete an evaluation.
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Drag ball to specific location
of video
During this tutorial, you may use the controls at the
bottom of the screen to control the video
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
This is an interactive video.
At times, you will have to click the correct
selection to advance the video.
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
The purpose of this tutorial is to make you aware of the
following information:
NUI must be installed to prepare for new features.
Begin using NUI.
“Oldie” removed from the desktop March 1.
NUI lets you use a mouse for most functions.
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Additional Benefits:
Windows look and feel
Enhanced menu options
Mouse enabled
Enhancements to graphs
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Workstation Icon
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Title Bars
Workstation title bars will display
routine and lookup names
Title bar fonts and point size can be
Access to the Workstation Utility Menu
is gained through the title bar
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Title Bars
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Copyright 2009
– Examples of color use:
Gray background with black text
 Color coding
– Patient Statuses
– High or Low Lab Values in PCI
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Copyright 2009
Workstation Text Colors
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Copyright 2009
Workstation Text Colors
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Response Field Changes
Response fields are now represented
by 3D input boxes
– Consistent with Windows applications
Radio buttons or check boxes may be
used for Yes/No response fields
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Copyright 2009
Response Field Examples
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Copyright 2009
System Messages
The Workstation uses Windows Dialog
Boxes to display system messages
– Error Messages
– Help Messages
– Dialog Boxes
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Copyright 2009
MAGIC Error Message
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Copyright 2009
MAGIC Help Message
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Copyright 2009
MAGIC Dialog Box
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Copyright 2009
The Workstation Toolbar
Windows equivalents of current
keyboard strokes
– Icons represent different functions
– Located on the right side of screen.
– Point with the mouse and click.
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Copyright 2009
Right Handed Toolbar
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Copyright 2009
Toolbar - Standard
OK Button
– F12 on a PC
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Copyright 2009
Toolbar - Standard
Exit Button
– F11 on a PC
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Toolbar - Standard
Help Button
– Shift + F8 on a PC
– Displays online
documentation for fields
and routines.
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Toolbar - Standard
Lookup Button
– F9 on a PC
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Toolbar - Standard
Magic Menu Button
– Shift + F12 on a PC
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Toolbar - Standard
System Info Button
– While in a routine, it is
used to check or uncheck
individual items from a list
– Right Ctrl key on a PC
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Toolbar - Standard
Arrow Buttons
– On a PC, Up & Down
Arrows, Shift Left &
Right Arrows
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Toolbar - Standard
Page Up / Page Down
– Page Up and Page
Down keys on a PC
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Toolbar - Standard
Select All Button
– While in a procedure
Shift + Right Control key
on a PC
– Used to check or
uncheck all items from
a list
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Navigation Changes
General Navigation Changes
– Using the Keyboard
– Using the Mouse
Multipage Drivers
MDI (Multiple Document Interface)
Resizing the Workstation Screen
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Using the Keyboard (Menus)
On Desktops
– Arrow keys are used to highlight
– Enter to select an item
On Cascading menus
– Up and Down Arrow keys are
used to highlight items
Enter or Right Arrow keys are to
select either a routine or submenu
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Using the Keyboard while in a
The 4.9 Version of the MEDITECH
software supports Windows style
– ESC = Exit
– TAB = Enter (Next field)
– Shift + TAB = Previous Field
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Using the Mouse
Procedure Screens
Verb Strips
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Using the Mouse (Menus)
The mouse pointer can be used to
select items from the Desktop and
Cascading Menus
– Select the item with the pointer, and click
to execute the routine or menu
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Using the Mouse while in a
While in a routine, you can click on an
input field to move the cursor to the
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Using the Mouse (Lookups)
Selecting an entry
– Single click highlights an entry
– Double click selects an entry
Page up/Page down
– Clicking on arrows will move the lookup
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Selecting an Entry
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Verb Strips
Items from a verb strip can be
selected by highlighting the option
with the pointer and clicking
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Highlighting a Verb Strip Option
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Copyright 2009
Multipage Screen Drivers
The mouse may now be used to
click on upcoming pages of
routines or dictionaries with
multiple screens.
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Copyright 2009
Multipage Screen Drivers
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
MDI - Multiple Document
Allows you to move an active window
“out of the way”
– View information on non active window(s)
Click the title bar of the active window
Drag it to the desired location
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Movement of an Active
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Resizing the Workstation
Users can now change the size of
their MEDITECH Workstation screen
– Scroll bars will be used to shift the
workstation screen within the window
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Resizing the Workstation
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Menu Formats - Numeric
Similar to traditional MAGIC Menus
– Each routine or submenu is assigned a
– Users type the appropriate number to
execute a routine or submenu
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Copyright 2009
Numeric Menu
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Menu Formats - Desktop
Each main menu, submenu, or routine
can be assigned an icon
Users click the appropriate icon to
execute a main menu, submenu, or
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Desktop Menu
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Menu Formats - Cascading
Used in conjunction with Desktop
Users select routines and submenus by
highlighting and clicking on the
desired item
– Additional submenus appear with an
arrow next to the item
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Cascading Menu
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009
Menu Format Choices
Customers will decide which
menu formats they will use
– Numeric is the default
The format that a user sees
will be based on the MIS User
Technology Education and Information Design
Copyright 2009